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Your Sleep Animal and How You Should Sleep
by BetterSleep
Mar 17 2020 • 8 min read
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According to traditional Chinese medicine, everyone has a “sleep animal” that corresponds to the time of day they are most likely to feel tired. When it comes to sleep, we all have our own unique habits and preferences. Some of us are early risers who like to get a jump on the day, while others prefer to hit the snooze button and enjoy a leisurely morning. And when it comes to bedtime, some of us are night owls who stay up until the wee hours, while others are early to bed and early to rise.

But did you know that your sleep animal may actually influence your sleep habits? Animals in the wild don’t wake up with alarms, stay out late when they’re tired, or binge-watch Netflix before bed. They follow their unique biological rhythm or internal clock.

What does your sleep animal tell you about how you should be sleeping? And do you even know what your sleep animal is? Learn how understanding what sleep animal you are and following the instinctual patterns of that animal will help you get a better night’s sleep.

Sleep Animals and Chronobiology

By studyingchronobiology, the study of solar and lunar cycles in living organisms, sleep specialist Dr. Michael Breus identified four biological rhythms in humans similar to particular animals. According to Breus, by identifying which sleep animal you are, you can make simple adjustments to your waking and sleep routines that are in harmony with your natural rhythm.

Breus identified four sleep animals—bears, dolphins, lions, and wolves—that people generally identify with. As unique as each animal, each sleep type has particular patterns that determine the schedule of their day and nighttime activities.

Read on to find out which sleep animal you are and how to fine-tune your day to get the best sleep at night.

What Your Sleep Animal is and What That Means for Your Sleep Habits

Have you ever wondered why you sleep the way you do? Why some people are night owls while others are early birds? It turns out that these sleep habits are determined in part by our chronotypes or natural sleep patterns. And according to recent research, each person’s chronotype is associated with a different “sleep animal.”

Early birds, for example, have been found to be similar to lions in their sleep habits. Like lions, they tend to go to bed early and wake up early. They’re also generally more active during the day and prefer to do their work during daylight hours. The night owl’s sleep behavior, on the other hand, is more like the wolf’s. They stay up later at night and often sleep later in the morning. They’re also less likely to be affected by the circadian rhythms that govern our daily cycles of activity and rest.

So what does this all mean for your sleep habits? If you’re an early bird, try to avoid working or doing other activities at night. And if you’re a night owl, don’t be afraid to sleep in occasionally! Knowing your chronotype can help you make better decisions about your sleep schedules and wake times.

What is Chronotype?

Chronotype is the term used to describe an individual’s natural sleep-wake cycle. This cycle is governed by the body’s internal biological clock, which is influenced by environmental factors such as daylight and temperature. Most people have a chronotype that falls somewhere in between extreme “night owls” and “early birds,” with most people naturally tending to wake up and go to sleep at slightly different times each day.

However, some people’s chronotypes are more extreme, and they may find it very difficult to adjust to societal norms such as early-morning work schedules or late-night social gatherings. Understanding one’s chronotype can help to optimize work, social, and family life. It can also be helpful in managing jet lag and other disruptions to the body’s natural sleep-wake patterns.

Dreaming of Seeing an Owl? Learn More

Which Sleep Animal Are You?

Knowing your sleep animal can help you better understand your natural sleep patterns and how to adjust your day-to-day activities. There are four main sleep animals, each with their own distinct chronotype. These sleep animals are:

The Bear

Bears are the most common sleep animal type. The bear chronotype awakens and sleeps with the sunrise and sunset and requires a full 8 hours of sleep. Real bears hunt and sleep, and not much else. If you’re the type of person who feels more energetic in the morning and likes to be productive early in the day, you may be a bear.

Bears have a moderate chronotype, meaning they generally wake up and go to sleep at slightly different times each day. Bears are also often able to adjust their sleep habits to match their work or social schedule. People that identify with the bear sleep animal are social during the day but have a significant need to sleep at night.

They like to have a set daily routine and generally stick to it. If you find that you are more productive in the morning and need around eight hours of sleep per night, you may be a bear. Another way to tell if you’re a bear is if socializing or doing other activities late at night doesn’t appeal to you. You would rather go to bed early so that you can wake up early and start your day.

The bear’s strongest focus is between 10 am and 12 pm for completing tasks. So, use this window to get work done and opt for socialization later in the afternoon. Bears need to wind down by 10 pm and aim to sleep by 11 pm to get the full night’s sleep required. If this sounds like you, then chances are you’re a bear!

The Dolphin

Dolphins are the second most common type of sleep animal. They are highly intelligent and have the lowest sleep drive of all the sleep animals. They also have a light chronotype, meaning they tend to wake up and go to bed earlier than other types of sleepers. Surprisingly, real dolphins sleep with only half of their brains, while the other half remains alert to swim and keep an eye out for predators. Similarly, people who identify with this sleep animal are usually always alert and ready for anything.

Like the marine mammal, people who relate to this sleep animal are light sleepers, insomniacs, or suffer from other sleep disorders like circadian rhythm sleep disorder.

Dolphins do best when they exercise before breakfast first thing in the morning. Similarly, the dolphin chronotype should also try to get some physical activity in before starting their day. The best times to complete creative and intellectually demanding tasks are between 10 am and 12 pm, and 4 pm and 6 pm – so if you find yourself getting a second wind in the afternoon, make sure to take advantage of it. Since dolphins (and dolphin sleepers) are already mentally stimulated, it’s helpful for them to begin winding down with calming activities like ahot bath or reading, then going to bed no earlier than 11:30 pm.

Like bears, dolphins are also often able to adjust their sleep habits to match their work or social schedules. Following these tips ensures you get the best quality sleep out of your dolphin-like sleep schedule.

The Lion

Lions are the third most common type of sleep animal. If you are the type of person who wakes up bright and early, raring to go and full of energy, you might just be a lion sleep animal. Like the king of the jungle, lions are at their best in the mornings, when they are fresh and ready to tackle the day ahead. But by early evening, they start to run out of steam, becoming tired and listless.

Lions are good at getting things done and like staying on top of things. They work well when they are organized and have a plan. If you are a lion, it is best to avoid exercising in the morning, as this can lead to fatigue later in the day. Instead, try working out between 5 pm and 7 pm – this will give you a boost of energy that will carry you through the rest of the day.

The lion chronotype should also avoid using electronic devices before bedtime, as the blue light emitted by screens can affect sleep quality by keeping you from falling asleep. Instead, try winding down for bed by 10 pm. Lions have a heavy chronotype and are often less able to adjust their sleep habits to match their work or social schedules.

The Wolf

Wolves are the fourth and final type of sleep animal. They have a very heavy chronotype, meaning they tend to wake up and go to bed much later than other types of sleepers. The wolf chronotype is the most energetic in the evening and the party animal of the bunch as wolves in real life are nocturnal hunters. People with the wolf as their sleep animals are outgoing, like to be out at night, and are most definitely not morning people.

As wolves tend to be groggy in the morning, they do their best to avoid waking up too early. Beginning the day with some outdoor exercise will trigger the brain’s signals to stop melatonin production and wake up. Wolves are most alert between 4 pm and 6 pm, so take this time to do the most important tasks of the day. Wolves are often less able to adjust their sleep habits to match their work or social schedules.

People who identify with the wolf will feel awake late into the night, so it’s best to avoid mentally stimulating activities by 11 pm. Digitally unplug, do some gentle stretching, or take a hot bath to relax your body and mind before sleeping by midnight.

If you can’t fall asleep, get out of bed and do something else until you feel tired again.

Reading or doing another low-key activity will help to avoid any potential frustration associated with lying in bed awake. When you finally feel sleepy, return to bed and give yourself time to drift off. You may not fall asleep immediately, but if you relax and clear your mind, sleep will come eventually.

How to Find Out Your Sleep Animal

Do you know your sleep animal? According to some experts, we all have a sleep animal – an inner guide that can help us to achieve our desired level of rest. We can learn to overcome insomnia, reduce stress, and enhance our overall well-being by identifying and working with our sleep animals.

There are a variety of ways to find out what your sleep animal is. One popular method is to simply ask yourself: “Who am I when I am at my best?” The answer to this question can help to point you in the right direction. Another approach is to consider which animals you are most drawn to. Do you feel a kinship with certain creatures? Pay attention to your dreams; they may provide clues about your sleep animal.

Once you have identified your sleep animal, there are several ways to work with it. One helpful technique is known as “animal tracking.” This involves observing the behavior of your chosen animal in its natural environment. What does it do when it sleeps? How does it move? What does it eat? By imitating the habits of your sleep animal, you can learn to wind down and relax into a deeper state of rest.

So what are you waiting for? Get to know your sleep animal today! There’s no telling how much it could improve your quality of life.

Resources for learning more about sleep animals and improving your sleep habits

If you’re looking for ways to improve your sleep habits, there are several resources available to help you learn more about how sleep animals can improve your sleep. TheBetterSleep app is a great place to start, as it offers a wealth of information on sleep and sleep disorders. You can also find helpful tips and advice on theBetterSleep website. With these resources at your fingertips, you’ll be well on your way to getting a good night’s rest.

How to Get the Best Sleep Possible Based on Your Sleep Animal

We all have our own unique sleep needs and habits. To get the best night’s sleep possible, it’s important to understand which “sleep animal” you are and how to cater to your specific needs.

Do you need a lot of time to wind down before bed? If so, you’re probably a bear. To get the best sleep possible, experts recommend creating a bedtime routine that includes some relaxation time to help you ease into slumber. Consider taking a warm bath or reading a book before turning in for the night.

Are you a light sleeper who’s easily awakened by noise or light? If so, you may be more of a dolphin. To get deep, restful sleep, it’s important to create an environment that’s conducive to relaxation. Make sure your bedroom is dark and quiet, and consider using an eye mask or earplugs to block out any sleep disturbances.

Do you fall asleep quickly and sleep soundly through the night? If so, congratulations - you’re a lion! People who sleep like lions generally don’t need to do much to prepare for bedtime since they’re able to fall asleep relatively easily. However, it’s still important to create a comfortable environment free of distractions so you can get the most out of your slumber.

No matter what kind of sleeper you are, getting enough quality shut-eye is essential for good health. So take some time to find out what works best for you and ensure you get the restful sleep you need!

The Importance of Getting Enough Rest and How it Impacts Your Daily Life

Most people know that getting enough rest is important, but they may not realize just how impactful it can be.Getting a good night’s sleep helps to improve mood, focus, and concentration. It also helps the body to recover from physical activity and repair any damage that has been done. In addition, getting enough rest can help to boost the immune system, making it easier to fight off illness.

Despite the clear benefits of rest, many people still do not get enough of it. According to arecent survey, more than 30% of Americans sleep less than six hours per night. This can lead to a number of problems, including fatigue, irritability, and difficulty concentrating. In severe cases, it can even lead to depression and anxiety. Getting enough rest is crucial for both physical and mental health. Anyone who wants to improve their quality of life should ensure they get enough sleep each night.

Tips for Improving Your Overall Sleeping Habits

Most people don’t get the recommended eight hours of sleep per night, which can lead to a whole host of problems, from fatigue and irritability to trouble concentrating and an increased risk of accidents. If you want to improve your sleeping habits, here are a few tips to get you started.

First, ensure your sleeping environment is dark, quiet, and cool.

Second, establish a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day.

Third, avoid caffeine and alcohol before bed.

Fourth, exercise regularly but not close to bedtime.

Fifth, wind down for 30 minutes before sleep by reading or taking a bath. Following these simple tips can help you get the restful night’s sleep you need to feel your best.


We’ve talked about the four main sleep animals and how to identify which one you are. Now it’s time to put this information into action! One great way to do that is by using theBetterSleep app. This app offers a variety of helpful tools, such as a sleep diary, bedtime stories, and relaxing music, all designed to help you get a good night’s sleep. So download the app today and start living your best life in harmony with your natural sleep pattern!

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