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Mindfulness for Kids
by BetterSleep
May 1 2022 • 15 min read
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Kids these days are under a lot of pressure. They’re juggling school, extracurricular activities, and social lives, and sometimes it feels like they don’t have time just to be kids.

The American Psychological Association has stated that “the average child today reports experiencing more stress than any previous generation.” This chronic stress can lead to problems such as anxiety and depression.

Mindful Meditation can help children cope better with stress by letting them be in the present moment and be more accepting of their thoughts and feelings without judgment.

What is mindfulness for kids?

Mindfulness refers to “the quality or state of being aware of something.” It is a form of awareness that entails paying attention to the present moment without judgment.

What is the role of mindfulness for kids?

As a result of increasing stress, children may experience lowered self-esteem and self-confidence, anger, anxiety, depression, and externalizing behaviors. Stress may also disrupt their thinking and learning, as they often dwell on unhealthy thoughts.

The goal of mindfulness is not to stop thoughts from occurring but rather to allow thoughts to pass without getting caught up in them. Mindfulness is an effective intervention for reducing stress and improving mental well-being in children and adolescents.

When we’re mindful, we’re not trying to change anything or make anything happen. We’re just letting things be as they are.

You can be mindful by doing things like:

  • Noticing the sights, sounds, smells, and tastes around you
  • Focusing on your breath and how it feels when you breathe in and out
  • Being aware of your body and how it feels
  • Noticing your thoughts and feelings without judging them as good or bad

The Basics: Teaching Essential Mindfulness Practices

Mindfulness is a practice that can help children and adolescents be more present and aware. This practice can help them deal with difficult emotions, reduce stress, and improve their overall well-being.

Tips for Teaching Mindfulness for Adolescents

Teaching mindfulness to adolescents sets them up to deal with the stresses and strains of the world. Even without direct mindfulness training, you can encourage adolescents to use mindfulness as they play and become aware of what is happening around them.

Start with the basics. Teach your adolescents the basics of mindfulness, such as being present in the moment and paying attention to thoughts and feelings without judgment.

Make it relatable. Help your adolescents see how mindfulness can be applied to their everyday lives. For example, you might explain how they can use mindfulness to deal with stressful situations or difficult emotions.

Be patient. Mindfulness takes time and practice to master. Encourage adolescents to stick with it even if they don’t see results immediately.

Encourage regular practice. For mindfulness to be effective, it needs to be practiced regularly. Help your adolescents set a time each day for them to meditate or do other mindfulness activities.

Be a role model and practice mindfulness yourself. The best way to influence kids to practice mindfulness is by example. Make sure to practice mindfulness whenever possible, so your child sees that mindfulness is something adults do too. It can help them to feel more comfortable with the idea of practicing it themselves.

Tips for Teaching Mindfulness to School-age Children

Here are some tips on how you can teach mindfulness to school-age children:

Keep it simple. When introducing mindfulness to children, keep the explanations and instructions short and simple.

Make it fun. Incorporate games, activities, and storytelling into your mindfulness sessions to hold your child’s attention and make them enjoyable.

Use everyday moments. You can practice mindfulness at any time and in any place. Daily activities such as brushing teeth, eating, and walking are opportunities to be mindful.

Be a role model. Practice mindfulness yourself and be a good role model for your children. Explain why you find it helpful and how it makes you feel.

Encourage other activities: In addition to practicing mindfulness, encourage your children to participate in other activities that they enjoy and make them feel good. These could include exercise, spending time outdoors, reading, or listening to music.

Set aside time for practice. Choose a regular time each day to practice mindfulness with your children. A good time might be first thing in the morning or just before bedtime.

Make it a habit. Help your children make mindfulness a part of their daily routine by establishing it as a regular habit. This practice will make it more likely that they will continue practicing mindfulness into adulthood.

Use technology mindfully. Although we often consider technology a distraction, many mindfulness practitioners use it for their activities. Many apps and websites offer mindfulness exercises for kids and teenagers.

Be patient. Learning anything new takes time and effort. Don’t expect your children to master mindfulness overnight. Remember to be patient and encourage them to keep practicing.

Find a program. There are many mindfulness programs available for children and teenagers. These programs are typically run by qualified instructors and offer a structured approach to learning mindfulness.

Join a community. There are many online and offline communities of mindfulness teachers. These communities can offer support, advice, and resources.

Teaching mindfulness to children and adolescents can be a challenge, but it’s also a rewarding experience. By keeping the tips above in mind, you make it enjoyable.

Mindfulness Meditation for Toddlers

It’s never too early to start teaching young kids mindfulness meditation. The earlier you start, the better. Here are a few tips to help you get started:

Keep it short. Start with shorter meditation sessions and gradually increase the length of time as your child gets more comfortable with the practice.

Use props. If you have younger children, consider using props, such as stuffed animals or favorite toys, to help them focus on their breath.

Turn mindfulness into a game to help keep your child’s attention. For example, you could ask them to count how many breaths they take during the Meditation.

Use music. Playing soft, calming music in the background can help your child relax and focus on their breath.

Be patient. Don’t expect your child to sit still and be silent for long periods. Mindfulness meditation is a practice that takes time and patience to master.

Benefits of Mindfulness for Kids

There are many benefits of mindfulness for kids. Below are some of the reasons to encourage them to engage with this practice:

Improve children’s cognitive abilities

Mindfulness can improve children’s cognitive abilities, as shown in a study conducted with a group of elementary school students who participated in mindfulness exercises.

The researchers integrated mindfulness training into the participants’ social and emotional learning curriculum. The results showed that a mindfulness program in the regular curriculum for only four months could yield positive cognitive change in the children.

In another study, researchers worked with school children diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The participants were split into two groups: one that engaged in mindfulness exercises and the other that received medication. The group that received mindfulness training had better focus and attention than the group that received medication.

Learning mindfulness can improve children’s mental health and cognitive abilities by teaching them to focus and concentrate on one task at a time.

Help children develop a positive sense of well-being.

Engaging children in mindfulness practices can help them develop a positive sense of self-worth and acceptance. An integrative review confirms the effectiveness of Meditation in stress reduction in adolescents. The study shows that the participants manifested the positive impacts of mindfulness exercises in decreasing self-harm thoughts, disruptive behavior, anxiety, and psychological distress.

Researchers also looked into the effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction techniques on children’s emotional states. The researchers performed an experimental study where 95 children were randomly assigned to the intervention group and 104 to the control group.

The goal was to determine the impact of a 30-minute mindfulness intervention administered twice a week for six weeks on the participants’ emotional regulation and ability to manage stress. The results showed that mindfulness skills decreased anxiety and depression while it increased self-compassion levels.

Enhances Interactive and communication skills

Mindful communication can help children learn to regulate their emotions and communicate more effectively with others. Children can better understand and empathize with others when they know to focus on the other person’s point of view. Improved communication and the ability for emotional regulation lead to successful relationships in social settings.

Mindfulness has a plethora of benefits, especially for children. It can help with everything from focus and attention to physical health and emotional regulation. Some of the main advantages of mindfulness for children include:

Improved focus and attention

When children are present in the moment and aware of their surroundings, they can focus and pay attention better. Mindfulness can also help break the cycle of distraction and inattention, which can often lead to stress and anxiety.

Reduced stress and anxiety

One of the critical benefits of mindfulness is its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. For children, this can manifest in improved sleep, increased concentration, and less worry about school or social situations.

It helps with emotional regulation

Mindfulness can help children to understand better and regulate their emotions. With regular practice, children can learn to respond better to difficult emotions.

Increases self-awareness

Self-awareness is an essential foundation for healthy personal development. Children can develop a greater sense of self-confidence and self-compassion by becoming more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and actions. Mindfulness can help children feel happier and more content with their lives.

Promotes compassion and empathy

Mindfulness can also help children to develop compassion and empathy for others. When children can see the world from another person’s perspective, they can be more understanding and tolerant of differences.

Improves physical health

In addition to its mental health benefits, mindfulness can also improve physical health. Studies have shown that mindfulness can help to reduce pain, lower blood pressure, and improve immune function.

Mindfulness Activities for Kids and Parents

Mindfulness activities for children can be found online, in books, or in classrooms. Parents can help their children learn to focus and connect with their thoughts and emotions with the following:

Mindful Movement for Kids

Mindful movement does not have to be overly structured and can be made fun for kids of all ages. Ideas for kid’s mindfulness activities include:

  • Get your kids walking around a room or out in nature. Ask them to notice how their feet feel inside their shoes and how the ground feels with every step.
  • Ask your children to choose an animal and start moving the same way as this animal. How does their body feel, and how are their muscles moving differently from when they usually walk?
  • Give each child a pencil and paper. Ask them to move around the room and write down the details of 10 things they’ve never noticed before.

Breathing Exercises for Kids

Encourage your child to take a few deep breaths. Mindful breathing can help kids relax, focus their minds, and reduce stress. Here are some fun and simple mindful breathing techniques for kids to help connect their mind and body:

  • Hot air balloon. Get your child seated comfortably with their hands cupped around their mouth. Breathe through the nose and exhale into the hands, letting the hands expand like a balloon. Let the balloon float up into the air when it is big enough.
  • Tumble dryer. Sit cross-legged and point the index finger of each hand towards each other, with the elbows out to the side. Breathe through the nose and make a long exhalation, spinning the fingers around like a tumble dryer.

Listening walk

To do a listening walk, have your child go for a walk outside and focus on listening to the sounds around them. Encourage them to pay close attention to each sound and identify as many different sounds as possible. This exercise helps kids learn how to focus on the present moment and connect with their surroundings.

Here’s how to do the listening walk:

  • Find a quiet spot outdoors where you can walk for about ten minutes. Or you can ask your child where they would like to walk. You would like to find an enjoyable and relaxing place for you both.
  • During the walk, talk to your child about how to focus on breathing and listen to the sounds around. For example, ask them what they expect to hear if you plan to walk around a botanic garden.
  • Stop often and ask your child about things they noticed around. Encourage them to pay close attention to the sounds around them.
  • Let the child take their time walking, and be sure to praise them for their attentiveness and openness.

Mindful glitter jar or ‘calm jar.’

The mindful glitter jar can teach children the importance of coping when emotions become overwhelming. The idea is to fill the jar with glitter and then shake it around to watch the glitter fall to the bottom. Kids can focus on breathing as the glitter falls and let go of distractions. This exercise helps kids learn to focus on the present moment and calm down when they feel stressed or anxious.

Mindfulness and Meditation can Help Kids with ADHD

Mindfulness-based therapies, such as mindfulness meditation and yoga, may help alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), according to a new study.

The study, published in the BMC Psychiatry journal, examined the efficacy of mindfulness-based therapies (MBI) for ADHD symptoms in children. The study found that MBI therapies were effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD.

The study’s authors say that the findings suggest that mindfulness-based therapies may be beneficial for children and adolescents with ADHD. Nonetheless, they say that further research is needed to determine which mindfulness-based therapy is most effective for treating ADHD symptoms.

Mindfulness Practice to Support Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ADS)

Some children with ASD find it difficult to stay present and focused, especially when feeling overwhelmed or stressed. Mindfulness practice can help your child to stay in the moment and be more aware of their surroundings.

It can also be helpful for children with ASD to learn how to cope with difficult emotions. Mindfulness practice can help your child to become more aware of their feelings and how to deal with them appropriately.

In addition, mindfulness can help your child to develop self-awareness and social skills. By becoming more aware of their thoughts and feelings, your child can learn to communicate better with others. Additionally, mindfulness practice can help your child to regulate their emotions, which can be helpful in social situations.

Finally, mindfulness can also help your child to manage sensory challenges. Your child can learn how to better deal with overwhelming sensations by paying attention to their senses. Additionally, mindfulness practice can help your child to become more aware of their body and how it feels, which can help manage Sensory Processing Disorder.

How can calming music help with mindfulness techniques?

Different mindfulness techniques can help you focus and be present in the moment. One technique that can be particularly helpful is listening to calming music.

Calming music can help with mindfulness by slowing down your breathing. If you’re feeling anxious or stressed, your breathing will likely be shallower and faster. Listening to calming music can help you to slow down your breathing and relax your body.

Another way that calming music can help with mindfulness is by reducing racing thoughts. If you’re constantly thinking about things stressing you out, it can be challenging to focus on the present moment. Calming music can help to slow down your thoughts and allow you to focus on what’s happening in the present moment.

Finally, calming music can also help to increase feelings of positivity and relaxation. If you’re feeling stressed, it can be challenging to feel optimistic about anything. Calming music can help shift your focus and increase positive emotions.

If you’re interested in using music to help with mindfulness, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, find genuinely calm and relaxing music. Many music genres can be relaxing, so experiment until you find something that works for you.

Four ways to use calming music for mindfulness

1. Make a playlist of your favorite calming songs and listen to them when you need to relax or destress.

2. Use the BetterSleep app that features guided Meditation with soothing music in the background.

3. Listen to calm music while practicing yoga to help you focus and relax your body and mind.

4. Play calm music throughout the day at work or home to create a more relaxed and productive environment.

Mindfulness Meditation FAQs

At what age should you start meditating?

Mindfulness meditation is a form of mindfulness that is widely practiced in the United States. It is a type of Meditation that focuses on the present moment and focuses on one’s breath. Mindfulness meditation has many benefits, including reducing stress, improving focus, and increasing self-awareness.

Mindfulness meditation can be a beneficial practice for people of all ages. However, it may be most helpful for young children still learning to focus and control their emotions. Teaching mindfulness meditation to kids can help them learn how to focus on the present moment and manage their emotions. It can also help them develop a sense of self-awareness and learn how to deal with stress.

How to start practicing mindfulness routines for bedtime

Children need routines and rituals in their lives to feel secure and confident. One way to help children learn mindfulness is to create routines for bedtime. One study showed that a regular bedtime routine, which included reading and relaxation exercises, helped children fall asleep more quickly and sleep through the night better.

How to Teach Mindfulness Meditation?

Typically, we teach children to develop skills necessary to overcome adversity or stress in their lives. The earlier we introduce mindfulness, the larger the opportunities we have for them to develop resilience to maturity. Practicing mindfulness allows young people to develop the ability to pay attention to information and store it.

What is belly breathing?

One way to teach mindfulness to kids is by teaching them about belly breathing. This simple mindfulness practice can help children focus and calm down.

Belly breathing can stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes feelings of calm and relaxation. When practiced regularly, children develop emotional skills and self-regulation abilities that are most useful in challenging moments.

Here’s how to practice belly breathing:

  • sit down in a comfortable chair,
  • sit up straight, place your hands on your belly
  • close your mouth, and take a slow, deep breath through your nose.
  • as you breathe in, you want your belly to fill with as much air
  • an alternative to sitting in a chair is to lay down if it feels more comfortable.

What do I need to start mindful Meditation?

Meditation is a tool that can improve both your mental and physical health. Nonetheless, it is essential to understand the three requirements for effective meditation practice to get the most out of Meditation.

It is necessary to have a defined technique, such as a specific way of sitting, breathing, or focusing on a particular object. Remember to have a clear and concise method so that the mind does not wander during practice.

Logic relaxation is another key component of successful Meditation. In our busy lives, it can be challenging to silence the constant stream of thoughts running through our minds. However, to truly relax and reap the benefits of Meditation, it is crucial to let go of this logical thinking. Instead, focus on the breath and allow yourself to drift into a more restful state.

Finally, Meditation should be self-induced whenever possible, which means it should not rely on external factors such as music or guided instructions. While these may be helpful in the beginning, it is essential to eventually be able to enter into a meditative state on your own.

What does science say about mindfulness for children?

According to a recent review of scientific literature on mindfulness for children, there is evidence that mindfulness training can help children become more aware and attuned to their thoughts and emotions, as well as improve focus, concentration, and self-regulation skills. Additionally, mindfulness practice has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in children. Overall, the research suggests that mindfulness training can be a helpful tool for children in developing greater well-being and thriving.

How can I meditate with my kids?

When you meditate with your kids, keeping a few things in mind is essential. First, be patient, and don’t expect them to master mindfulness overnight. It takes time and practice to learn any new skill.

Second, be a good role model for your children by practicing mindfulness. Explain why you find it helpful and how it makes you feel.

Finally, encourage your kids to participate in other activities they enjoy and make them feel good.

These could include exercise, spending time outdoors, reading, or listening to music. By keeping these tips in mind, you can help your children learn mindfulness and make it a part of their daily routine.

What are other tips for teaching mindfulness to children?

Start with basic breathing exercises. Help the child focus on their breath and how it moves in and out of their bodies. Basic breathing exercises can help children focus and help them relax.

Encourage the child to pay attention to their senses. Ask them to focus on what they can see, hear, smell, taste, and feel. Encouraging children to pay attention to their senses can help them learn about the world and how they interact with it. It can also help them calm down and relax.

Wrap Up

Is your child struggling with anxiety or stress, or do you want to help them learn how to focus and relax?

Mindfulness has been shown to provide many benefits for children, including improved focus, reduced stress and anxiety, and enhanced emotional regulation.

For more guided meditations, relaxing music, and curated bedtime stories for kids and adults, visit the BetterSleep app.

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