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Lucid Dreams: What Are They and How to Make One Happen
by BetterSleep
Sep 24 2019 • 4 min read
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You may have heard about lucid dreams but may be confused about what they are and how they differ from ordinary dreaming.

Simply put, a lucid dream occurs when a dreamer becomes aware that he’s in a dream and gains control of it. Lucid dreaming is the practice of remaining in this dream state and exploring it.

People practice lucid dreaming for various reasons, like overcoming psychological challenges and receiving creative inspiration. Or even merely for the fun of experiencing dream stunts like flying or traveling to unknown places.

Not only are lucid dreams pretty darn cool to experience, but they also provide physiological benefits.

The History of Lucid Dreams

Dr. Stephen LaBerge is a psychophysiologist who has become the pioneer of lucid dreaming research in the last 20 years.

Inventing one of the most popular lucid dreaming techniques, as well as leading many scientific studies on the subject, LaBerge’s work has been integral in helping researchers discover the therapeutic benefits of lucid dreaming.

Able to be used in treating conditions such as PTSD, recurring nightmares and anxiety, lucid dreaming usually happens spontaneously though it is possible to learn how to induce a lucid dream state through various methods.

Lucid dreaming allows the dreamer to be aware that they are dreaming while still asleep and, through this knowledge, influence and change the content of their dream.

Dreams ordinarily lack control and coherence, but because lucidity gives the dreamer power over their dreams, it follows that lucid dreams are often more pleasant and interesting than non-lucid dreams – making them an attractive proposition for those whose sleep is disturbed by nightmares.

As well as being useful for treating conditions such as anxiety and PTSD, lucidity also provides an opportunity for personal growth and exploration, giving rise to what some researchers have called ‘oneiric creativity.’

The potential benefits of learning how to lucid dream are therefore wide-ranging, and with Lucid Dreaming techniques becoming more widely known and easily accessible, it seems likely that this fascinating field of study will continue to grow in popularity.

Lucid Dream Hacks - How to Make Lucid Dream Happen

Since lucid dreams occur in the REM stage of the sleep cycle, the most effective techniques for having lucid dreams train you to remain conscious or lucid as you enter the REM stage. Following are some popular tricks for having lucid dreams.

  • Wake Back to Bed

The Wake Back to Bed (WBTB) is a popular technique that trains your body to target the REM sleep phase.

Set the alarm for two to three hours before your usual wake-up time (after about 4.5 to 6 hours of sleep.) When the alarm sounds, shut it off but stay in bed. Allow your mind to wake up while keeping your body relaxed. Think about and focus on the lucid dream you want to have. When you fall back asleep, you will jump back into the REM stage of sleep but remain mentally conscious in your dream.

  • WILD

WILD stands for Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming and is a form of meditation inspired by Tibetan Dream Yoga that allows you to maintain awareness while your body falls asleep.

First, lying on your back, breathe deeply, inducing the body to become completely relaxed. Next, focus on your hypnagogia, the colorful swirly patterns you see behind the eyelids. As you start to feel more sleepy from observing the patterns, remain aware. Lastly, visualize the lucid dream that you want to have. Construct the scene in your mind and begin interacting with it.

  • Mnemonic induction of lucid dreams (MILD)

Mnemonic induction of lucid dreaming, or MILD, is a technique created by LaBerge in 1980. It was one of the first methods to use scientific research to induce lucid dreams. MILD is based on a behavior called prospective memory, which involves setting an intention to do something later. In MILD, you make the intention to remember that you’re dreaming. If you remind yourself to become aware that you’re dreaming while in a dream state, you’ll be more likely to become lucid. MILD is an effective method for inducing lucidity, and it can be used by anyone with some basic dream recall skills. If you’re interested in trying MILD, keep a few things in mind.

  1. First, it’s important to practice good dream recall so that you can remember your dreams.
  2. Second, before going to bed, set the intention to remember that you’re dreaming and remind yourself several times.
  3. Third, when you wake up from a dream, try to imagine yourself back in the dream and tell yourself that you’re dreaming. With practice, MILD can be an effective way to have lucid dreams.
  4. Reality Testing

Reality testing is a form of mental training that increases metacognition by teaching your mind to notice your awareness. Metacognition is the ability to think about your own thinking, which is important for reality testing and lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming is when you are aware that you are dreaming, and reality testing is a way to become aware of your dreaming state. To try reality testing, ask yourself, “am I dreaming?” and then check your environment to confirm whether you are dreaming.

Notice your consciousness and how you are engaging with your surroundings. Reality testing can be done several times a day, and it may help you to have higher metacognition in both your waking and dreaming states.

Different people achieve lucid dreams using different reality checks. Below are the most common ones:

  1. Mirror check – Check your reflection in the mirror to see if it looks normal.
  2. Time – the time on the clock will constantly change when you are dreaming but barely change if you’re awake.
  3. Breathing – Pinch your nose to see if you can still breathe. You are dreaming if you can breathe.
  4. Solid object – see if your hands can go through a table or wall when you push them against it. Another option is pushing your fingers into your opposite palm.
  5. Look at your hands and see if they are normal

For quick results, pick one reality check and do it multiple times every day. This will help to condition your mind to repeat the reality checks when you are dreaming, which may lead to lucidity.

  • Listen to a Brainwave Audio

Another simple way to enter the deep meditative state ideal for lucid dreaming is by listening to a brainwave entrainment audio as you lie in bed.

Brainwave entrainment is a technique that uses binaural beats to change brain wave frequency to a frequency corresponding to the brain state you want to induce. Since lucid dreams produce increased gamma brain activity, binaural beats in the gamma frequency will best help you have lucid dreams.

If you’re interested in experimenting with binaural beats, try the BetterSleep app, which features several free high-quality binaural beats.

  • Keep a Dream Journal

When you write down your dreams, you’re forced to remember what happens during each dream. It’s said to help you recognize dream-signs and enhance awareness of your dreams.

For best results, log your dreams as soon as you wake up. It’s also recommended to read your dream journal often.

This will help to ingrain the habit of paying attention to your dreams. Over time, you may become more adept at lucid dreaming. So if you’re looking for a way to explore the mysteries of your subconscious mind, keeping a dream journal could be a great place to start.

You now have everything you need to get started on your lucid dream journey, try these techniques and find the one that works best for you. Ready, set, dream!

Why Do We Dream- the Psychology Behind It

The Benefits of Lucid Dreams

Aside from achieving goals, increasing creativity, or being enjoyable, studies have shown that lucid dreams may help treat severe issues like recurring nightmares and PTSD.

A 2009 study revealed increased brain activity in the gamma brainwave state during lucid dreams. The study’s researchers classified lucid dreaming as a new and separate state of consciousness.

The calming and quiet gamma brainwave state is associated with expanded consciousness and spirituality. In this state of consciousness, lucid dreamers can train their minds to work toward their personal goals in sleep.

Lucid dreams also provide a unique outlet to subconsciously work through a particular problem that isn’t resolved easily in real-life, like overcoming a fear of public speaking.

Though accessing another state of consciousness may sound complicated, a few simple techniques make experiencing a lucid dream much more attainable.

Below are other benefits of lucid dreams:

  • Less anxiety - Lucid dreaming can help to reduce anxiety, by giving people a sense of control over their dreams. Learning how to control our dreams can be empowering in a world that often feels out of control. Such is beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety, nightmares, or PTSD.
  • Reduce nightmares - Nightmares are a common symptom of PTSD, and PTSD patients who regularly have lucid dreams have reported significantly reduced nightmares.
  • Control dreams - Lucid dreamers can control the content of their dreams, which is beneficial for those who suffer from anxiety, nightmares, or PTSD.
  • Creativity - Lucid dreaming can also be a creative outlet. Some people use lucid dreaming to work through creative blocks or generate new ideas.
  • Improve motor skills - Some studies have shown that practicing a skill in a lucid dream can improve performance in the real world. This is because the motor cortex is active during dreaming.
  • Improve problem-solving- Lucid dreaming can help with problem-solving (like conflict resolution). The ability to control the dream environment can allow people to work through difficult problems in a safe space.

What Is the Best Lucid Dream Method?

Dreams are a fascinating phenomenon that has long been studied by scientists and thinkers.

While the average person might only have a few dreams each night, some people have vivid dreams that they can remember in great detail.

For some, these dreams can be so realistic that it’s hard to tell if they’re dreaming or not. This experience is known as a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming can be a fun and interesting way to explore the dream world, but it can also be used for self-improvement.

Many different techniques can be used to induce a lucid dream, but not all of them are equally effective. The most popular method is the MILD technique, which stands for Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams.

The MILD technique involves keeping a dream journal and making an effort to remember your dreams each night. Additionally, you should try to reality check frequently throughout the day to help train your brain to become more aware during dreams.

With regular practice, the MOLD technique can be an effective way to induce lucid dreams.

What Triggers Lucid Dreams Naturally?

Some people have never experienced a lucid dream, while others have them often. Lucid dreams are when you become aware that you are dreaming while you are still asleep.

Once you realize that you are dreaming, you gain control over the dream and can direct it however you want. Many people find lucid dreaming to be a fun and fascinating experience.

Some people even use it to practice skills or overcome fears. While there is no one guaranteed way to trigger a lucid dream, there are some methods that may increase your chances of having one.

For example, getting enough sleep and practicing meditation can help to relax your mind and body, making it more likely that you will have a lucid dream.

Keeping a dream journal can also be helpful, giving clues about when you are most likely to have a lucid dream. If you are interested in experiencing a lucid dream, try some of these methods and see what works for you.

Can I Teach Myself to Have Lucid Dreams?

Lucid dreaming is a state of sleep in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming.

Around 51% of people have experienced a lucid dream at least once, and it’s thought that around 20% of people experience them regularly.

However, until now, scientists haven’t been sure whether it’s possible to train yourself to control your dreams in this way.

However, new research from Dr. Denholm Aspy, a psychologist at the University of Adelaide in Australia, suggests that teaching yourself to lucid dreams is possible.

Dr. Aspy conducted a series of studies into lucid dreaming, the results of which were recently published in the journal Dreaming.

In one study, participants were asked to spend six nights trying to have a lucid dream. Of those who completed the study, 55% reported experiencing a lucid dream. This suggests that teaching yourself to have a lucid dream is possible.

However, it’s unclear how long it would take for someone to be able to have a lucid dream without using any techniques. It’s also worth noting that some people may find it easier to have a lucid dream than others.

If you’re interested in trying to have a lucid dream, there are various techniques that you can try (such as keeping a dream journal or reality checking during the day).

How Do You Lucid Dream the First Night?

Many people have experienced a dream in which they know they are dreaming. This is called a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming can be a very powerful experience that anyone can sometimes spontaneously. Learning how to lucid dream for beginners can take time and practice. Here are some tips for having your first lucid dream tonight.

First, it is important to relax and clear your mind before you go to bed. This will help you avoid any stressful thoughts or distractions that could prevent you from entering deep sleep.

Once you are in bed, take some time to focus on your breath and allow yourself to drift off into sleep. As you start to dream, pay close attention to the images and sensations you are experiencing.

If you realize that you are dreaming, keep calm and focus on the dreamscape around you. If you are losing lucidity, simply tell yourself that you will become lucid again and focus on returning to the dream state.

With a little practice, you should be able to have a thrilling lucid dream tonight!

Can Everyone Learn to Have Lucid Dreams?

Lucid dreaming is a skill that you can learn like any other.

While some people may have a natural talent for it, everyone can benefit from training and practice.

The best predictor of success with lucid dreaming is the ability to remember dreams. This, too, is a skill that you can develop.

With specific techniques, you can increase the quantity and quality of your dream recall, which will in turn greatly increase your ability to have lucid dreams.

So if you’re interested in learning how to have more lucid dreams, the first step is to focus on improving your dream recall. With a little effort, anyone can learn to have lucid dreams.

How Will I know When I’m Lucid?

A few key things to look for will help you know when you’re in a lucid dream. First, your surroundings will suddenly become much more vivid and clear.

You’ll also have a heightened awareness of your body and dream environment. Sometimes, you may notice that something in your dream is impossible.

Another common sign is a change in your physical sensations. For example, you may feel lighter than usual or have a sensation of floating.

If you notice any of these signs while dreaming, you’re likely experiencing a lucid dream. Additionally, you may find that you have more control over your movements and can take in more sensory information than usual.

Finally, remember that even though you’re in control of the dream, it’s still possible for your unconscious mind to make small changes to the dreamscape.

If you’re paying attention, you’ll be able to notice these changes and keep them from affecting your experience. With practice, you’ll be able to easily tell when you’re dreaming and make the most of your lucid dreams.

What’s The Longest Time You Can Spend in a Lucid Dream?

Lucid dreams are amazing because they give you full control over the dreamscape. You can choose to fly, visit different places, or even talk to people who only exist in your mind.

And since you’re in complete control, the longest time you can spend in a lucid dream is theoretically unlimited.

However, most people find that their lucidity starts to fade after around 30 minutes, and the dream eventually fades away altogether.

There are a few things you can do to prolong your lucid dreaming. These include keeping a dream journal or practicing meditation, but ultimately, it comes down to practice and experience.

So if you want to spend hours exploring the farthest reaches of your subconscious mind, start practicing now!

Can I Change the Scenery When Lucid?

If you’re having trouble controlling your dreams, don’t worry - you’re not alone. Many people have trouble with dream control, especially when starting.

The good news is that you can do a few things to improve the situation. One of the best ways to change the dreamscape is to work with your unconscious dream logic.

For instance, you can try finding a dream door or a mirror portal. These objects will usually lead you to another dimension, where you can explore any scene you like.

Another method is to try flying. In most dreams, the dreamer automatically adjust to their new flying abilities. This can be a great way to travel to different parts of the dreamscape quickly.

Remember that questioning your ability to manifest and change the scenery will ruin the whole thing. So try to stay positive and have fun with it!

So if you’re tired of the same old dreamscape, why not try one of these methods? You might be surprised at what you find.

Can You Confuse Lucid Dreams with Reality?

While some may think it’s impossible to confuse a lucid dream with reality, there are key differences between the two states.

For one, lucidity is typically associated with more vivid and colorful dreams. In addition, conscious thought allows the dreamer to control their actions in a way that would be impossible in waking life.

As a result, lucid dreaming can be an incredibly powerful tool for exploring the subconscious mind.

However, it’s important to remember that lucid dreams are not reality. Therefore, it’s important to be careful not to confuse the two states.

Lucid dreams and out-of-body experiences (OBEs) are both types of altered states of consciousness.

In a lucid dream, the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and can often control the dream narrative. OBEs, on the other hand, are experiences in which the individual feels as though they are outside of their body, looking down at it from above.

Lucid dreams and OBEs can be induced by various methods, including sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, and psychoactive drugs.

While there is no clear consensus on how or why these experiences occur, some theories suggest that they may be related.

One theory suggests that OBEs may be caused by a disconnection between the body and the mind. This theory is supported by the fact that many people with OBEs report feeling like they are floating above their bodies or looking down at themselves from a distance.

Another theory posits that Lucid dreams and OBEs may be caused by a malfunction in the brain’s mechanism for generating sleep paralysis.

This theory is supported by the fact that sleep paralysis is often experienced during both Lucid dreams and OBEs.

More research is needed to determine the exact relationship between Lucid dreams and OBEs.

What are the Risks Associated with Lucid Dreams?

Lucid dreaming is generally considered safe. However, some risks are associated with lucid dreams, particularly for people with mental health disorders.

These include: problems with sleep, increased anxiety, and the triggering of psychotic symptoms. Lucid dreaming can interfere with sleep by purposely interrupting the sleep cycle.

This can lead to difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep. In addition, lucid dreaming can increase anxiety levels and trigger psychotic symptoms in people already prone to these conditions.

For most people, however, the risks associated with lucid dreaming are minimal. The benefits of controlling your dreams outweigh the risks for most people.

How are Lucid Dreams Different from Non-Lucid Dreams?

Lucid dreams are different from non-lucid dreams in a few key ways. Firstly, those experiencing a lucid dream are aware they are dreaming, whereas, with a non-lucid dream, there is no control over the dream.

Secondly, a common characterizing trait of a non-lucid dream is when strange events happen in the dream, they feel real, and only once awake are they aware of having had a dream.

Finally, lucid dreams are more vivid and realistic than non-lucid dreams. Lucid dreams offer an opportunity to explore the inner workings of the subconscious mind and can be used for problem-solving or creative purposes.

If you’re interested in exploring lucid dreaming, there are a few techniques you can try to induce lucidity. However, it’s important to remember that everyone is different and what works for one person may not work for another. Experiment and find what works best for you!

Is Lucid Dreaming the Same as Dream Control?

Lucid dreaming and dream control are often used interchangeably, but they are two different things.

Lucid dreaming is when you become aware that you are dreaming while you are still asleep. This can happen spontaneously or as the result of training.

Once you become aware that you are dreaming, you may be able to control the dream to some extent.

However, dream control is a more specific type of lucid dreaming in which you have a clear intention to change the course of the dream. For example, you might try to fly in a dream or change the ending of a nightmare.

While both phenomena involve some degree of conscious awareness during the dream state, dream control requires greater self-awareness and intentional focus.

How Can I Prevent Waking Up as Soon as I Become Lucid?

Beginning lucid dreamers often have the problem of waking up right after becoming lucid. This obstacle may prevent some people from realizing the value of lucid dreaming.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome this problem. The first is to remain calm in the dream. Becoming lucid is exciting, but expressing the excitement can awaken you.

It is possible to enjoy the thrill that accompanies the dawning of lucidity without allowing the activation to overwhelm you.

Be like a poker player with an ideal hand. Relax and engage with the dream rather than withdrawing into your inner joy of accomplishment.

Then, if the dream shows signs of ending, such as a loss of detail, vividness, and apparent reality of the imagery, take steps to prolong the dream by spinning around or flying.

Another way to maintain lucidity is to perform a reality check. In a non-lucid dream, you would likely pass a reality check without noticing anything out of the ordinary.

In a lucid dream, however, performing a reality check can help you to break out of a false awakening or dream within a dream.

For example, you might try to push your finger through your palm or look at a digital clock to see if the time changes.

Reality checking can also help increase the detail level in a dream and make it more stable.

Finally, remember that lucid dreams do not always last very long. If you become less aware of your surroundings, it may be time to wake up.

Enjoy the time you have in your lucid dream, but don’t fight against waking up when it’s time to end the experience.

How to Wake Up from Lucid Dreaming

Lucid dreaming can be an incredibly powerful tool for exploring the subconscious mind and gaining insights into our waking lives.

However, it can also be a bit of a mixed blessing. On the one hand, it can be immensely enjoyable to be aware that you are dreaming and to have control over the dreamscape.

On the other hand, it can be profoundly disorienting to suddenly find yourself in a world that is not quite like our own.

If you find yourself in a lucid dream and wish to return to wakefulness, there are a few things you can do.

  • Simply will yourself to wake up - this may take a bit of practice, but it is often the quickest and most effective method.
  • Employ an illusionary object - Another is to look for an object in the dreamscape that you know does not exist in reality, such as a flying unicorn. Gazing at this object for a few moments should help you to return to consciousness.
  • Call out for help- try shouting “Wake up!” or “Help!” loudly. Our subconscious minds are more likely to respond to negative stimuli. So, this method may be more successful than positive affirmations.
  • Change your surroundings - try actively changing something in the dream, such as flying away or walking through a door. This should help to break the dream state and allow you to return to wakefulness.
  • Blink repeatedly - it is said that blinking can help break the dream state and return you to consciousness. With a little practice, it should be possible to do this while still asleep.
  • Fall asleep in your dream-  If you’re aware that you’re dreaming, you may be able to will yourself to fall asleep within the dream. As you drift off, the dreamscape should dissipate, and you should return to wakefulness.
  • Read in your dream- Try to read a sign or book in your dream. Reading could activate parts of your brain that aren’t used in REM.
  • Pinch yourself- Pinching yourself may sound silly, but it can be quite effective. The sensation of pain should help to break the dream state and allow you to wake up.
  • Rub your hands together- The sensation of rubbing your hands together can also help to break the dream state and return you to consciousness. Use a dreamcatcher- If you have a dreamcatcher, hanging it above your bed may help to prevent bad dreams and induce lucid dreaming.

Finally, if all else fails, you can try repeating the phrase “I am dreaming” to yourself until you awaken.

With practice, it should become easier and easier to control your dreams- and to wake up from them when you need to.

Are Lucid Dreams Tiring?

No, lucid dreams are not tiring for most people. They can often leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

Dreams occur during multiple sleep cycles throughout the night, and a proficient lucid dreamer can expect to have 2-4 lucid dreams per week, on average.

Each dream usually lasts 10-40 minutes. So even if you consider this “lost sleep,” it’s not that much time in the grand scheme of things.

Moreover, lucid dreaming can often give you a natural high that lasts for the rest of the day, leaving you feeling more mentally and physically energized.

So for most people, lucid dreaming is a refreshing and invigorating experience.

Can I Get Stuck in a Lucid Dream?

Lucid dreaming is an amazing experience that everyone should try at least once. While it’s true that you can’t get stuck in a lucid dream, there are still some safety guidelines that you should follow.

For example, it’s important to remember that lucid dreaming is a state of heightened awareness. As such, you should avoid doing anything that could injure yourself or others.

You should also be careful not to exhaust yourself emotionally or mentally while lucid dreaming.

If you become too agitated or stressed, simply take a deep breath and remind yourself that it’s just a dream.

With practice, you’ll enjoy all the benefits of lucid dreaming without any of the risks.

Can I Communicate With My Subconscious Mind During a Lucid Dream?

Did you know that you can talk to your unconscious mind in a lucid dream? Lucid dreaming is a powerful tool for self-discovery and growth and can be an incredibly enriching experience.

When you’re in a lucid dream, you can explore your deepest thoughts and feelings and ask questions that you might not be able to ask in waking life.

All you need to do is start a dialogue with the dream. Just ask questions out loud, and see what your dreaming self has to say.

You might be surprised at the answers you receive! Lucid dreaming is a great way to connect with your true inner self, so why not try it tonight?

Is there any Technology for Lucid Dreaming Training?

While some spontaneously have lucid dreams, others train themselves to have them. The Lucidity Institute offers electronic devices that help people have lucid dreams.

They were developed through laboratory research at Stanford University by LaBerge, Levitan, and others. The NovaDreamer lucid dream induction device works by giving flashing light or sound cues when the user is dreaming.

Users modify the device settings to find a cue with the right intensity and length to enter their dreams without causing awakening.

In addition, device users practice mental exercises while awake to enhance their ability to recognize the light cues when they appear in dreams.

There is evidence that the use of these devices can increase the frequency of lucid dreaming. They offer a promising tool for those who wish to train themselves to have this unique state of consciousness.

Are there Drugs or Nutritional Supplements That Stimulate Lucid Dreams?

There are suggestions that certain drugs and nutritional supplements can promote lucid dreaming.

However, there are few good scientific studies to test such claims. The placebo effect is very powerful in influencing the likelihood of having a lucid dream. So, it is difficult to say for certain which, if any, substances are effective in inducing lucid dreams.

Some prescription drugs, as well as marijuana and alcohol, can alter the sleep cycle, usually by suppressing REM sleep. Therefore, we do not recommend using any drugs or supplements to induce lucid dreams at this time.

Lucid Dreaming Breakthrough Research

In the past, scientists have had to rely on the memories of dreamers to study lucid dreaming.

However, recent advances have made it possible to establish a real-time dialogue with dreamers during REM sleep.

In a breakthrough 2021 study, four international teams of scientists used electrophysiological signals to interact with dreamers. The dreamers could answer math problems and yes or no questions, allowing the scientists to test their lucidity in real-time.

This interactive lucid dreaming holds the potential to enhance athletic or creative performance, uncover ways of treating pain, and investigate how dreamers perceive time across sleep cycles.

It also has the potential to help people with sleep disorders, such as insomnia, by providing a way to interact with and understand the dream state.


Have you ever had a “lucid” dream? If you have spent time exploring the world of dreams, the answer is yes.

So, what are lucid dreams? Simply put, they are dreams in which you realize you are dreaming. This realization can happen anytime during the dream and allows for interesting possibilities.

For example, you could choose to control the dream or explore it further. Many people find that practicing lucid dreaming techniques helps them have more lucid dreams.

If you’re interested in trying it, you can do a few things to increase your chances of having a lucid dream. First, keep a dream journal to track your progress and look for patterns.

Second, perform reality checks throughout the day to train yourself to be aware of when you are dreaming. Finally, use induction techniques before bed to help increase your likelihood of having a lucid dream.

While many people report success with various methods of inducing lucid dreams (such as keeping a journal, performing reality checks throughout the day, or using induction techniques), not everyone succeeds with every method. Experiment to find the ones that work best for you.

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