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How to Make 2022 New Year’s Resolutions That Last All Year | BetterSleep
by BetterSleep
Dec 28 2021 • 3 min read
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Setting a New Year’s resolution, or multiple, is an honored tradition in many parts of the world. Many people set resolutions but not many follow through to the end. To make resolutions you can stick with, follow best practices when setting them.

What Are New Year’s Resolutions?

A resolution is a promise to oneself to make a positive change, to stop a bad habit, to continue a positive practice, or to otherwise focus on self-improvement. Making resolutions for the coming year is an old tradition, dating back to ancient Babylonia when people made promises to their gods.

Some of the most common are health resolutions: exercising regularly, eating a healthier diet, or losing weight. Also popular are spending more time with family and saving money or spending less.

How to Make Resolutions That Last

Resolutions are great for making positive changes. Unfortunately, most people fail to keep them with 80% dropping out by February. Those who succeed at keeping resolutions don’t necessarily have more willpower. They just know how to set realistic and achievable New Year’s goals.

To make resolutions that last, follow these guidelines:

1. Make it meaningful. You’re more likely to stick with a resolution if it has meaning for you. Before setting goals, think about the reasons.

2. Be specific. A big reason people fail at resolutions is that they make them too vague. Instead of resolving to lose weight, pick a specific amount.

3. Be reasonable. Specificity is important, but it also has to be something you can actually achieve. Resolving to lose 100 pounds, for instance, may set you up for failure.

4. Set smaller goals. If you have a big resolution, you’re more likely to achieve it if you break it down into smaller, step-wise goals.

5. Give yourself a time limit. The pressure of time also helps. Put a time limit on each small step you’ll take to achieve the overall goal.

There’s nothing wrong with setting ambitious resolutions. Yes, many people fail at this, but if you follow good practices when setting New Year’s goals, you can do just about anything.

Resolve to Meditate Regularly for Better Sleep

If you need New Year resolution ideas, how about working on getting more sleep? Resolve to set and stick with a healthy sleep routine, for instance.

Studies show that regular meditation is a habit that improves sleep. A meditative mind becomes a sleepy mind, especially when done right before bed. Meditation relaxes the mind and calms racing thoughts. It lowers heart rate, reduces stress, and helps you feel relaxed and ready to sleep.

When it comes to meditation, daily practice is best. Meditating every day is a specific, reasonable goal with a time component. It’s an easy, simple goal that will help you build this healthy habit.

Another way to improve your odds of succeeding at a resolution is to use available tools. Let Better Sleep help you stick with meditation. Use the guided meditations to start your meditation practice on January 1 or even sooner.

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