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How to Improve Your Attitude at Work
by BetterSleep
May 12 2022 • 4 min read
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Wouldn’t it be great if work wasn’t something you dreaded every day? If you could sleep at night without the anticipation anxiety of the coming workday? Your job doesn’t have to make you feel this way. You have the power to change your mindset about work. Here’s how to do it.

Coping with Work Anxiety

If you have significant anxiety and worry in your life, you are not alone. According to surveys, 40% of people have ongoing stress, and a lot of it comes from work. People report that workplace anxiety impacts their performance and professional relationships. Most people also say that this anxiety spills over into the rest of their lives.

Learn to cope with job anxiety to improve both your work and home life. First, avoid the unhealthy coping strategies that many people use as quick fixes, like emotional eating or drinking—instead, use healthier techniques.

An important one is taking breaks. Use your break time to get outside and go for a walk, read a book, or do something completely unrelated to work. It can also help to reflect on the good things about your job. Keep a work gratitude journal and write down how work makes your life better. Maybe it’s a close work friend or the purpose your job gives you.

How to Deal with Toxic Coworkers

You can take many steps to improving your work attitude, but you have no control over what coworkers do. What you can control is how you react to them. Toxic coworkers can be rude, disrespectful, negative, controlling, sarcastic, and more. They oftentimes like to bring other people down with them.

To cope with a negative coworker, consider talking with them. Studies show that people are not very self-aware at work. They might not realize how their behaviors affect others. If you don’t feel comfortable talking to someone, or it doesn’t go well, address the issue with superiors.

How to Not Take Things Personally at Work

Sensitive people tend to take any criticism or mistreatment at work to heart. A poor performance evaluation, a coworker who doesn’t seem to like you, or not getting invited to a meeting, are all hurtful. It is important to remember that these things don’t reflect on you as a person.

To get perspective, take some time to evaluate the situation. Were you not invited to the meeting because coworkers don’t value your skills, or was it because you’re simply not part of that project? Before you react, think about what an incident really means and if it affects you or is ultimately unimportant.

How to Have a Fulfilling Life-Work Balance

Work should never be your whole life. If it feels that way, it might be time for some changes. Consider working fewer hours or not taking work home with you. Find hobbies and activities to do outside of work that completely take your mind off your job. Spend more time with family and friends and less time worrying about work.

The mindset you have about your work affects your mental health. Talk to your company about a mental health program for you and your coworkers. Access to apps like BetterSleep can help everyone get more rest, manage anxiety, and improve their workplace mindset and attitudes.

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