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How to Get Better Rest
by BetterSleep
Dec 3 2022 • 7 min read
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Do you ever feel like you’re constantly running out of energy? Like, no matter how much coffee you drink, you can’t seem to get into gear? If so, chances are you’re not getting enough sleep.

Believe it or not, 35% of the US population has trouble sleeping and getting a good night’s rest. This lack of rest can lead to all sorts of problems, from decreased productivity at work to increased risk for diseases like obesity and heart disease.

Why Should Resting Be a Priority in Your Life?

Most of us live busy lives and often run from one obligation to the next with little time to rest, much less to complete a sleep cycle. It can be easy to push aside thoughts of rest, but it’s important to remember that our bodies need time to recover from the demands of everyday life.

When we don’t make resting a priority, we can find ourselves tired and run down, which can lead to various health problems. Research shows that poor sleep and lack of rest resulted in employers losing about $136 billion yearly in health-related lost productivity.

By taking the time to rest, we can help our bodies to recharge and be better prepared to handle whatever comes our way.

7 Types of Rest and Why We Need Them

Most people think of rest as simply taking a break from physical activity, but there are many different types of rest. Are you getting enough of the following types of rest?

Mental rest

Mental rest is when the brain can take a break from actively processing information. The break allows it to make connections and cement memories, which is essential to learning.

On the one hand, adequate mental rest also helps us process information and develop new ideas more effectively. When we are relaxed and not stressed, our minds are more open to creative thinking.

On the other hand, a lack of mental rest leads to decreased mental productivity and reduced creativity.

Spiritual rest

Spiritual rest refers to a state of mind where you are at ease and peace. You can find it through religious or spiritual practices or through activities that bring you joy and a sense of purpose.

It cannot be easy to understand when we need spiritual rest. What does it feel like to have a tired spirit? Here are some five signs you might need spiritual rest:

1. You feel like you can’t keep going. If you’re finding everything feels like too much effort, you want to give up. Wanting to give up is a sign that your spirit is exhausted and needs some time to recharge.

2. You’re not enjoying the things you used to love. If you’ve lost your passion for the things you used to love, and you’re not looking forward to the things you used to, you may need some spiritual rest.

3. You’re constantly angry or irritable. If you get angry over things that wouldn’t normally bother you, you need some time to recharge your spirit.

4. You’re feeling disconnected from your faith. When we’re run down, we can question our beliefs and feel disconnected from the things that once brought us comfort.

5. You’re just not yourself. We might need spiritual rest if we lose interest in what we used to enjoy and start to feel like we’re just going through the motions.

Some people find solace in joining a spiritual community, faith-based organization, or group that aligns with their interests. Others find peace through volunteer work for a cause that is personally meaningful to them.

Creative rest

Creative rest is a type of rest that inspires us and fills our souls with imagination and excitement. It can be anything that allows our minds to wander and explore- from taking a long walk in nature to reading a good book or simply spending time with friends and family. The key is finding something that relaxes and rejuvenates us, and inspires us.

One way to achieve creative rest is by setting aside time each day for yourself. You can set aside an hour in the morning or evening to do whatever you want- without stress or obligations. During this time, you can read, write, take a nature walk, or relax and let your mind wander. It’s important to find what works best for you and to make sure you stick to it!

Another way to achieve creative rest is by incorporating creativity into your everyday life. You can enroll in a painting class, write in a journal, or cook something new. We can help inspire new ideas and thoughts by doing things that challenge us creatively. And who knows- these ideas may lead to our next great invention!

Emotional rest

Emotional rest is a state of feeling refreshed and restored as a result of taking time for yourself to relax and de-stress. There are many ways to achieve emotional rest, such as:

• Taking a relaxing warm bath

• Reading your favorite book

• Taking a walk in nature

• Meditating and deep breathing

• Listening to calming music

You can greatly improve your emotional well-being and reduce stress by taking time each day to relax and de-stress.

Physical rest

Physical rest is a state of being that allows our body to restore and rejuvenate. You can achieve physical rest through relaxation techniques such as yoga, massage, and meditation. All of these practices help to release tension and calm the body. They also allow us to connect with our bodies and listen to their needs. If we are in tune with our bodies, we can better listen to what it needs to achieve physical rest.

Sensory rest

Sensory rest is a way to give your senses a break. When you’re constantly bombarding them with stimuli, it can be overwhelming and lead to fatigue. To achieve sensory rest, you need to find ways to limit your exposure to constant noise, bright light, and touch.

One way to do this is by taking breaks from screens throughout the day. You can also wear headphones to cancel out noise, dim the lights in your environment, and use stress balls or other objects to stimulate your sense of touch.

Implementing some strategies can give your feelings a chance to rejuvenate and recharge.

Social rest

Social rest is about being selective with your social interactions. Being around people who give you energy and make you feel good would be best.

However, your may also need to take breaks from people who drain your energy or make you feel bad. It’s about pursuing positive and supportive social connections and taking a break from socializing altogether if needed.

We must make sure to get all kinds of rest. We can maintain a healthy balance and live our best lives by caring for our minds, bodies, and souls.

Finding Rest through Meditation

When most people feel tired, they will automatically lie down and try to fall asleep. However, meditation can be a more effective form of rest if you are dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety.

Meditation is deeper than sleep in several ways. When you are asleep, your mind is relaxed and not focused on anything in particular. In contrast, during meditation, you can focus on a specific object, thought, or feeling. Focused meditation allows you to explore your inner experience more deliberately and purposefully.

Additionally, meditation slows down the brain’s activity, similar to sleep. However, unlike when you are asleep, meditation does not involve any loss of consciousness.

You can access deeper levels of awareness during meditation, leading to greater insight and understanding.

Meditation provides a unique opportunity to journey within yourself and discover hidden depths that are not available through sleep alone.

When you meditate, you are training your mind to focus and relax. This process can help to clear your mind of any racing thoughts, and it can also help to reduce your overall stress levels.

As a result, you will likely feel more refreshed after a meditation session than you would after a nap. In addition, meditation can also help to improve your sleep quality by teaching you how to manage your stress levels better.

Why Is Sleeping not Enough?

Most people believe that a six to eight-hour sleep translates to a good night’s sleep. However, this is not always the case. There is more to quality sleep than sleeping for an extended amount of time.

Several factors can impact how well you sleep and how rested you feel when you wake up.

For example, if you are dealing with stress or anxiety, you may have difficulty falling asleep or wake up frequently during the night. Additionally, certain medications can cause fatigue or interfere with sleep.

And finally, your sleep environment can also affect how well you sleep. If your bedroom is too hot or too cold, or if you are exposed to blue light from your gadgets, it might not be easy to get a restful night’s sleep.

As a result, simply sleeping for eight hours is not always enough to ensure that you wake up feeling rested. Several other factors can contribute to how well you sleep and how rested you feel when you wake up.

Healthy Sleep Habits for Better Rest

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential for physical and mental health. However, many factors may disrupt sleep, especially with the demands of modern life.

Luckily, there are a few simple things you can do to promote healthy sleep habits and improve your sleep quality, such as:

  • avoiding caffeine and alcohol in the evening, as they can make it harder to fall asleep and stay asleep
  • establishing a regular sleep schedule by going to bed and waking up at the same time each day
  • creating a relaxed environment in your bedroom by keeping it dark, quiet, and cool

How the BetterSleep App Can Help You Get Rested

Getting a good night’s sleep is important, but relaxing and falling asleep can be hard.

Millions of people struggle with falling asleep or getting a good night’s sleep. According to the National Sleep Foundation, many adult Americans do not get a good night’s sleep.

The BetterSleep App can help you relax and fall asleep quickly and easily. With its guided meditations and relaxation exercises, this app can help you get the rest you need.

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