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Dreaming of Cats? You’re Not Alone
by BetterSleep
Jun 4 2022 • 8 min read
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Have you ever dreamed about pets? Specifically kittens, or other feline forms? Surprise! You’re not the only one. Dreaming about cats may seem random, but it is a common dream for many people. From dreaming about cats just being around you, clinging onto you, or even attacking you, cats can show up in different ways in a dream.

But what exactly does your cat dream mean? This is a question scientists have been asking for years.

What do dreams mean?

Before we get into the common interpretation of what it means to dream about cats, it’s important to remember that dream interpretations are just that—interpretations. There is no solidified meaning to your dream. Even though humans spend about 6 years dreaming over a standard lifetime, 95% of those dreams are forgotten once you wake up. The ones you do remember don’t necessarily represent something.

In an article by the Washington Post, psychologist and clinical lecturer Alan Eiser stated that dreams can be meaningful because they “deal with the sort of personal conflicts and emotional struggles that people are experiencing in their daily lives.” Let’s say you’re stressed or overwhelmed with a current situation. You may begin to have dreams that reflect those emotions. This is the same way that having dreams about sadness is expected if you are at a low point in your life.

Dreams may also be random, meaningless thoughts throughout your day. For example, if you’ve been preparing for a big event, everything about the preparation process will weigh down on your mind. Because you think about it so much, you begin to see these things manifest in your dream.

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What do cats symbolize?

Cats have shown up in myths and legends for many years. The symbolization of cats varies from culture to culture. In Ancient Egypt, cats were admired for their beauty and ability to protect against snakes and rats. Soon enough, they began to worship cats. Ancient Egyptian goddess, Bastet, represented fertility and beauty. The head of a cat was used to symbolize her being.

In Japanese culture, cats are seen as a symbol of good luck or fortune. In China, cats are so highly-priced that people can give them in exchange for things like fine silk. Soon enough, they symbolized good fortune, love, and tranquility.

What does it mean if there are cats in my dream?

There are many different reasons to see cats in a dream. The first thing you should do is assess the cat’s dream and nature. What type of interaction are you having with the cat? What is the color of the cat? Does the cat seem approachable or dangerous? Taking notice of different things like this will help you to understand the dream better.

There are an enormous amount of theories for what cats in a dream could mean:

Psychological standpoint:

From a psychological perspective, Sigmund Freud believed that seeing a cat in a dream was connected to the tension people feel in their waking life. This dream may be telling you to free yourself and let loose.

Cats do not depend on a go-ahead or green light before they decide to do things. They act on their instincts. This dream may be indicative that you need to acquire those characteristics.

Feminine sexuality

Cats share many characteristics with females and femininity. Things like elegance, luxury, nurturing, and gentleness are common things. Seeing a cat in your dream may mean that you are tapping into your feminine energy. The qualities of cats are something that females may want to emulate.

If you see a cat in your dream, it may be in connection to a female figure in your life, if not yourself. Maybe a partner, mother, sister, or someone you work with. This figure might either need more attention from you, or they could be bringing bad energy around you that you don’t like. Your encounters with this person in your waking life may be strong enough to create these visualizations when you go to sleep.

Spirit Animal Theory

This meaning stems from the belief of spirit animals, or the belief system that everyone has an animal that can help guide them through life. Ultimately, you may share the same characteristics as this animal. Your spirit animal may also carry a metaphorical meaning behind it.

If cats are your spirit animal, that may be why you see them in your dreams. This animal carries strong characteristics like intelligence, agility, curiosity, independence, fierceness, and mystery—the list could go on.

One strong characteristic to take note of is the willingness to take risks. Seeing a cat in your dream as your guiding animal may be your sign to finally do something you have been hesitant about or avoiding in real life.

Friendly or Playful Cats

Seeing a friendly or playful cat in your dream is usually pleasurable and has good fortune. This dream symbolizes the need to be lighthearted and free. Playful cats represent your gentle side. This dream could mean you shouldn’t take everything too seriously and learn to live in the moment and enjoy it.

This dream also shows that you can be conscious of your surroundings, still be playful, and enjoy yourself. Although your personal life may cause you to be serious and stern about many things, it’s also important to be light. You may even find a way to turn the negative aspects of your current circumstances into positive ones.

Being Attacked by Cats in a Dream

Being attacked by a cat in a dream could cause concern. If a cat is attacking you or being aggressive, it may reflect your fear of someone in your life offending or harming you. This theory is based on the idea that cats are seen as loving, and if they are aggressive, it could mean you’re scared of someone hurting you.

This dream may also symbolize a lack of trust that you may have with someone. Being attacked by a cat can symbolize fear or anxiety about a particular situation in your waking life. Take some time to look at different situations and people around you. If there is a conflict, coming to some resolution may help put an end to these dreams.

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Being attacked by a wild cat:

If a wild cat attacks you in a dream, this could mean that you are struggling to find balance. There may be something you are involved in that has lost a sense of direction, or you can no longer control it. This dream could also have the same interpretation as seeing a pack of wildcats.

Being attacked by a black cat:

Black cats could be considered a good or bad omen, whether seen in a dream or in real life. A black cat biting or attacking you in a dream indicates that you may soon face opposition. The opposition may come from enemies or people you consider loved ones—like family. This is why people may usually associate black cats with betrayal and deceit.

If a black cat bites you in a dream, this could also mean that the conflict you’ve been avoiding may soon blow up to be bigger than it was. The more you delay, the more the conflict will escalate.

Cats in Your House

Dreaming of cats in your house usually means you’re living in a fantasy or illusion—both of these things are symbolisms of cats. You may be unwilling to acknowledge the things that are going on around you. This dream is a sign for you to wake up and understand that your perception of things isn’t what it may be.

If the cats in your house are running wild, too many things are going on at once. You have somehow lost control over balancing all of them at once. You may need to take a step back from tasks you have on your plate and get things together.

If a black cat visits your house in a dream, you should be careful of the people around you. This is the same interpretation as seeing a black cat sitting in your house. Someone close to you may be doing something behind your back or will soon.

Dreaming of Dead Cats

If you see a dead cat in your dream, there are different things you should take note of. One of those things is color. A dead black cat is usually a good symbol and can bring good luck. Because black cats are normally associated with trouble and enemies, seeing a dead black cat could mean that you have finally overcome those problems.

Some other interpretations of a dead black cat could be that you feel lonely and defenseless.

Seeing a dead white cat means that problems may seem small at the moment but will turn out to be bigger than you expected. You should avoid underestimating the potential negative effects this may cause.

With this dream, also consider how many dead cats you see. Seeing two means you may get unexpected help from someone to solve problems. You may not even know the person, but this dream shows that they will be of great help. Multiple dead cats could mean one of two things; you are finally getting rid of fake friends, or a situation will soon be big enough to cause you disgrace.

Dreams About Kittens

Kittens in your dream could represent a vulnerability in real life. This may be about you or someone around you. This is the opposite of adult cats’ characteristics—independent and free. A kitten could mean that there is something in your life that you want to protect. Kittens are also seen as helpless because they can’t do much alone. You may be where you feel like you can’t do anything and need assistance.

This dream could also mean you crave a close relationship or want to please other people. You may want to create a closer bond with someone in your family. The attention that people give newborns is similar to the type of attention and love you seek.

Lastly, this dream could symbolize innocence and purity.

Other Ways Cats Show Up in Dreams

There are other ways that cats may visit you in your dreams.

Cats playing together:

You may need to loosen up if you see cats playing together in a dream. Maybe you have been a bit uptight about different situations or your personal beliefs. Take time to look at things from a different perspective.

A healthy or sick cat:

Seeing healthy cats in a dream means that you are listening to your inner self. You listen to this part of you during distress or when you need advice. On the contrary, dreaming of a sick cat could mean you are not in touch with your authentic self. You could be faking your true self to other people to avoid conflict.

Sick black cat:

Seeing sick black cats is usually an unfavorable sign. This dream could mean someone you love may soon suffer from a serious illness. You may also receive bad news about one of your friends.

Aggressive cats:

Dreams of aggressive cats can be associated with solitude and lonely life. You could also be having a difficult time accepting your reality. If cat claws show up in a dream, you are holding onto something. This type of dream can be taken as a fair warning to let go of grudges before they become detrimental to your well-being.

Twin cats:

If you see identical black cats in a dream, you should think of your needs and the needs of others. You may be having a hard time balancing both of them; one side is lacking. You may also be on the verge of overworking yourself.

This dream could also mean that someone is mischievous. They may have bad intentions for you, and you should be careful of the people you keep close to your space.

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These are just some ways cats have shown up in dreams. Many of these interpretations depend on what the cat is doing in your dream and what context they appear in. Why not start a dream journal to see if any recurring themes emerge?

To put an end to your recurrent dreams of animals, you have to uncover your suppressed feelings. These feelings make their way to your subconscious mind when they are not addressed. The BetterSleep app has different things that can help clear your mind and give you a good night’s rest. You can get the help you need through meditation or soothing sounds.

Curious about what other animals in your dreams could mean? Find out more here.

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