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What Does It Mean to Dream of Birds?
by BetterSleep
Nov 23 2023 • 7 min read
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Dreams featuring birds are a common theme in the world of dream interpretation, often carrying deep symbolic and emotional significance. Across various cultures, birds are associated with freedom, beauty, and spirituality, making dreaming about them an intriguing and enigmatic experience.

Dreaming of Birds: What Does It Symbolize?

Whether in your waking life or your dreams, the sight of a bird on the wing can stir up powerful emotions like wonder, joy, and longing. Could this powerful dream image carry a message from your unconscious mind? In this article, we’ll explain some of the most common symbolic meanings of bird dreams.

Why and How to Interpret Dreams

Though some are skeptical about whether dreams mean anything, research suggests that reflecting on them can be good for your mental health. Dreams often relate to a person’s most pressing emotional concerns. Learning to interpret them may help you clarify how you truly feel about something occurring in your life.

To understand what a bird means in your dream, you may need to think about what kinds of feelings and ideas you associate with these creatures when you’re awake. Reading about the cultural meanings linked to birds may also help your dream interpretation efforts. Psychologists report that symbolic meanings gleaned from things like art, literature, and mythology often influence dream imagery. We’ll review some of the most common meanings of birds to help you decipher your dreams.

What Does It Mean to Dream of Birds?

Birds in dreams often symbolize freedom and joy. Because of their power of flight, they can literally “rise above” the places where humans may feel trapped.

Researchers have also found evidence that human beings instinctively link height with ideas of power, success, and happiness. As such, dreaming about birds — creatures that can travel high above you — might represent pursuing or achieving your “highest” goals.

Spiritual Meaning of Birds in Dreams

In many cultures, the sky is associated with heaven or the spirit world, and flying birds can be seen as divine messengers. Early civilizations, such as the Mesopotamians and the ancient Greeks, believed that the movements of birds were omens from the gods. In the Christian gospels, the Holy Spirit comes to Jesus in the shape of a dove. Many people of faith interpret dreams of birds as signs of guidance from God.

Sometimes, according to folklore, dream birds symbolize negative messages. Black birds were seen as unlucky omens by cultures like the Celts, especially ravens, crows, and other birds that eat dead animals.

A bird in your dreams could also signify your own spiritual essence. This is often the case in art and mythology. In ancient Egypt, for example, a person’s soul was frequently shown as a bird hovering over their body.

Dreams About Birds: Common Scenarios

The meaning of dream birds may depend on the details of the situation in which you encounter them. Here are some of the most common examples.

Dreaming About a Bird in Your Hand

Holding a bird in your hand in a dream could mean that you have an important opportunity in your personal or professional life. It might also hint that you’re overlooking something valuable that you already have — think of the phrase “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.”

Dreaming About a Flying Bird

When you dream of a bird flying through the sky, it could represent your desire to “fly higher” and achieve something important. A bird flying away from you might suggest that you feel you’re missing out on an important chance. If it’s flying toward you, it could mean that you sense success approaching.

Dreams about birds flying also commonly symbolize freedom or spiritual enlightenment. They may mean that you’re overcoming something that’s been holding you back, such as a fear or a negative belief about yourself.

Dreaming About a Flock of Birds

Groups of birds in dreams can represent messages, communication, and social interaction. A flock of birds twittering cheerfully could indicate good news or help from others.

If the birds are fighting or squawking unpleasantly, it may mean something less cheerful, like nasty gossip or overwhelming negative thoughts. Birds attacking you in your dreams might suggest that you feel harassed, bullied, or rejected by other people in your waking life.

Dreaming about a flock of birds in flight could also represent your desire to engage more with your community. If they’re flying toward you, you may want to be on the lookout for friendship or career opportunities.

Dreaming About Birds Singing

Dreams of singing birds are almost always signs of positive feelings. They can represent joy, creativity, harmony, and spiritual freedom. Having such a dream might signal that your current situation will bring you happiness.

Dreaming About a Bird in a Cage

Seeing a caged bird in a dream suggests that you’re feeling trapped or limited. If you’re the one who locked the bird up, you may want to ask yourself if you’re suppressing deeply held desires or creative impulses. On the other hand, if you set a caged bird free in your dream, it could signal a newfound sense of freedom.

Dreaming About Feeding Birds

Feeding birds in your dreams can be a positive sign. Often, it means that you’re nurturing positive qualities and strengthening your spiritual side. It could also signal that you’re heading for abundance — so much so that you’ll be able to share your good fortune freely with others.

Injured Or Dead Birds

Encountering a wounded bird in your dream is likely a sign that you feel hurt, vulnerable, or helpless. A bird with a hurt wing that’s unable to fly could represent your limitations. If you dream that you’re helping an injured bird, your subconscious might be reminding you that it’s okay to acknowledge your pain and take time for self-care.

A dead bird in your dream suggests a loss or an ending. You may need to let go of an unfulfilled hope or move on from a cherished relationship that is no longer good for you.

However, in some cases, dreaming of a dead bird can suggest that you’re headed for a new chapter of life. Dead birds can be linked with ideas of rebirth by the legend of the phoenix, a bird that dies in flames, only to be born again from the ashes.

Dreaming About Bird Eggs

Dreams of bird eggs or baby birds hatching might stand for new beginnings. Watching a baby bird learn to fly could point toward newfound independence or the start of a personal journey.

On the other hand, an empty bird’s nest in a dream may symbolize a desire for safety, security, and comfort. You might be longing to go home again or to find your way back to a place where you feel at peace.

Dream Symbolism of Different Types of Birds

Certain kinds of birds may be linked with specific dream meanings. For example:

  • Dreams about owls could suggest danger, along with the need to act wisely. Owls were the birds of Athena, the Greek goddess of wisdom.
  • Dreams about eagles or hawks may be connected with strength and independence.
  • Dreams about hummingbirds could be associated with beauty, energy, and playfulness. Alternatively, they might hint that you’re flitting from one thing to the next too quickly.
  • Dreams about roosters might suggest pride or aggression.
  • Dreams about hens may point to your nurturing, domestic side.
  • Dreams about blue birds could symbolize contentment and inner peace.
  • Dreams about yellow birds can mean harmony and friendship.
  • Dreams about red birds might represent a desire for passion.
  • Dreams about green birds may signal a sense of hope or renewal.
  • Dreams about brown birds can suggest a need for stability and grounding.

How To Explore Your Dreams

If you’re interested in a deeper, more meaningful dream life, it’s often a good idea to start keeping a dream diary. Writing down or sketching out your dreams as soon as you wake up can improve your recall. You might also be able to prime yourself by mentally repeating, “I will remember my dreams,” several times as you’re drifting off.

It might also be a good idea to spend a few minutes thinking about a problem or question while lying in bed. Scientists have found that this can increase the chances that your dreams will show you something about your chosen topic.

And, of course, getting a good night’s sleep will make it easier to remember and interpret what you’ve dreamed about. You can access tons of useful sleep tips, exercises, and relaxation aids through our BetterSleep app. Give it a try for free and start getting more satisfying slumber!

If you’d like to know more about what animals can symbolize in dreams, take a look at our article on dream meanings of pets.

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