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Dream Dive: Mice and Rats
by BetterSleep
4 min read
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Dreaming of animals can be a rare experience or a common one, depending on the person. People will often dream about things they encounter in their everyday life, so if you have seen an animal recently and it makes an appearance in your dreams, that could be why.

But sometimes, having a dream with no apparent direction can leave you feeling empty. For many people, having dreams can lead to a plethora of questions. At BetterSleep.com, we are dedicated to answering your dream questions.

What is a Dream?

Dreams are the images our brain creates when we are unconscious. They can be vivid or obscure, and there is a possibility that you may not even remember them by the time you get out of bed after waking up.

When it comes to dreams, it is essential to understand your body and the state of your health, especially the brain. When you sleep, the brain is still active and can be even more active in certain stages of sleep.

While sleeping, your brain processes what you have seen throughout the day, watched on TV, and the emotions you have experienced. Scientifically speaking, dreams do not have meaning past what may be happening within your reality. It is important to remember that a dream means your brain is processing emotions and daily activities.

Keeping a dream journal is best if you want to decode these emotions your unconsciousness is projecting. Keep this journal beside your bed and when you wake up, write everything you can remember about the dream immediately. Some specifics to note are the setting of the dream, what emotions the animal is portraying, what the animal is doing, and how you respond to them. This will make it easier to look back on and decipher what happened.

Dreaming of things like mice and rats can cause some confusion, but there are some things you can make sense of. Dream interpreters are often consulted when the person dreaming has questions or concerns about their dreams.

Dreaming About Mice and Rats

Seeing mice and rats in real life can bring feelings of disgust to many people. These animals are associated with poor living conditions, sickness, and death. While the reality may be deemed damaging, there can still be some positive takeaways from dreaming about mice and rats.

Seeing mice and rats in a positive light and not aggressive or attacking could signify:

  • Hard work or perseverance.
  • A sign that something good will happen to you soon.

Mice and rats are also known to be clever and adaptable. If you’re dreaming about them, it could mean you should find ways to acquire these qualities in reality. Mice and rat dreams can in fact be a good sign.

On the other hand, dreaming of mice and rats can have negative significance. Your subconsciousness could be telling you to be careful:

  • Careful of someone betraying you.
  • A warning of something that is soon to come.
  • Sign of fear or anxiety.

Dreaming about mice and rats can also symbolize sickness or severe illness, as the most relatable event we have regarding rodents is the bubonic plague. Also known as the black death, this historical event is well known and is the reason we have negative connotations with mice and rats.

Dreaming of Mice Running

Mice running away in a dream could mean that you are having a tough time facing a particular issue. This is your mind’s way of telling you to muster up the courage to handle the situation.

Mice running away in a dream could also mean that you have already experienced betrayal and are having a difficult time handling it.

Suppressed emotions will find their way into your dreams if not appropriately handled.

Dreaming About Mice in Your House

You’ve heard the term rat being used to describe a person who has betrayed or told information about someone without permission. Seeing mice or rats in your house while dreaming could mean the same thing. They could mean that someone close to you will soon betray you. It could also mean that someone you trust may have malicious intentions.

Mice running into your house can signify problems that are to come or some arising conflict. These problems are more than likely concerning family because your home is considered a sacred place.

Taking care of your mental health is essential when decreasing how often you have bad dreams. The BetterSleep app has different practices you can try to improve the overall health of your mind, body, and soul.

Spiritual meaning behind mice dreams

Some dreams are seen as spiritual or possessing a spiritual awakening. This is a common belief in many cultures. But are there any spiritual meanings behind mice in dreams?

Spiritually speaking, mice have a variety of meanings. For some, they bring fertility, life, and prosperity. In others, they are bad omens that bring death.

In Celtic cultures, mice are seen as cunning and secretive. They are associated with small details that we so often overlook.

In some cultures, mice are linked to witchcraft and magic as well as the underworld. Since they burrow underground, they have relations with the underworld as well as the earth itself. Mice are often attributed with a need to re-unite yourself with the earth or earthly magic in these instances.

Dreaming about rats

Dream interpretation isn’t straightforward, and the focus on rats can be confusing. Rat dreams are usually seen as a bad omen relating to feelings of anxiety. But there are circumstances where dreaming about rats is a good sign. Here are a few different rat dream meanings.

People who are untrustworthy or have betrayed others are often called “rats.” To dream about rats could symbolize someone you have encountered recently who has broken your trust in one way or another; whether it be a partner’s infidelity or a mean coworker. For instance, if the rat in your dream is presenting itself near someone you have a love relationship with, it could be a warning of betrayal with that partner’s infidelity. It could also mean they are sick or have recently been diagnosed with a sickness, and your subconsciousness is worried. Dream interpreters do not know all of the facts about your life, only the basics. It is up to you to figure out the rest or connect the dots in the situation.

This is just one of many reasons you might dream about rats. Throughout this article, we will explore more rat dreams and their symbolism.

Dreaming about dead rats

A dead rat can be unsettling; seeing one in your dreams, is even more so.

While dreaming about rats, in general, could mean you are worried or anxious about something in your waking life, dreaming about a dead rat can be startling. Dreaming about anything dead can be scary. But what could it mean? Dreaming about dead rats could mean you are feeling overwhelmed or feeling depressed or experiencing generally dark emotions.

Have you been feeling depressed and anxious lately? This could be the reason behind the dream about dead rats. We suggest talking to your doctor or health care professional about these dark emotions.

Does the color matter?

Dreaming about rats can be worrisome, but try to pay attention to their coloring. Dreaming about colored rats can symbolize different things.

For instance, dreaming about white rats is seen as a positive omen. Issues you are facing in waking life could be resolved soon without you needing to do anything.

Dreaming of black rats is not a negative omen, as one might think. Black rats are seen as lucky. If you dream about a black rat, you will likely have a good day tomorrow. It may also symbolize you realizing some desires in real life.

Dreams about rat bites

Rats attacking and biting you can be scary; it is essential to realize that this dream about rats biting you is just a dream. While you may wake startled and feel the urge to check your body for an actual bite, it is hard to shake these dreams sometimes. A rat biting you in a dream could symbolize many different things.

Some rat bite dreams can be interpreted as the rat symbolizing someone you fear attacking you or even trying to get your attention. A rat biting you could be your subconscious mind fearing sickness.

Dreams about gnawing rats are often related to your life goal, and whether your problems will go away if you reach this goal. Think about your life and whether the dream or goal you are reaching for will really help make your life better or not.

Having a dream about many rats or swarms of rodents can be interpreted as guilt or unworthiness. Are all of the rats staring at you or are they biting you? Do you feel under a lot of pressure lately? Are these feelings causing you to feel like you are losing control in your waking life? This is a common dream, and can oftentimes be helped with stress relief. Try a guided meditation before bed to let loose any extra stress from your waking life.

Dreams about rats on the move.

Dreaming about rats crawling or running rats can symbolize losing control of your health. This can also concern your partner’s infidelity, especially if the rat is crawling on you.

Rats running in your dream means that the last few days haven’t gone well for you but the issues will resolve soon.

Have you ever seen a rat jump? A rat jumping in your dream can symbolize losing money. Don’t make any bets or loan money out to anybody.

Does the size of the rat matter?

Dreaming about a giant rat or rats can mean that someone close to you like a neighbor will betray you. It could also signify a fight between you and your friends.

Is there any spiritual meaning behind a rat dream?

Dream interpretation is not specific and varies for each individual. Often a dream symbolizes something affecting you in the waking world, carrying over to your subconscious. It could mean when you dream, you are under heavy stress or other common emotions, and they are personified in your dreams as animals and situations involving them. Dreaming about mice and rats does not mean you are in immediate danger or need to call an exterminator. Your brain is sending you hidden meanings or possibly a warning sign for something your conscious mind hasn’t picked up on yet.

Caught a rat dream

A dream about catching rats can symbolize a bad interpersonal relationship specifically targeted to a group of friends. It’s time to check your friend group for any threats.

Are you dreaming about catching a rat in a cardboard box? This dream about rats could mean that you need to resist something that is going to be coming your way.

Stop dreaming about rats and mice.

It can be frustrating if you are constantly dreaming about rats and mice. Wanting to dream about something else is a normal response to repeated dreams. But is there a way to stop these dreams?

First, have you taken the dream into your own hands? Have you made a dream interpretation and tried to change your waking life or life goals? If this doesn’t work, check your sleeping conditions.

Your sleeping conditions are essential for the quality of sleep you get. BetterSleep recommends a cool, dark, and clean area. A space like this will help your brain and body relax, leading to a more leisurely night of dreaming.

Listening to sleep sounds or going through a guided meditation may also help stop these dreams. BetterSleep has a large variety of sounds and meditations you can try today!

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