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Can Lavender Help with Anxiety?
by BetterSleep
Nov 12 2022 • 20 min read
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Are you feeling overwhelmed and anxious? Have you tried traditional methods of managing your anxiety but still feel uneasy? If so, you may want to consider incorporating lavender into your routine. Numerous studies have shown that lavender has soothing effects on the body and mind, leading to reduced feelings of anxiety. From aromatherapy to topical application, there are various ways in which lavender can be utilized to aid in managing anxiety.

What is Anxiety and What are the Symptoms?

Before we delve into the specifics of how lavender might help alleviate anxiety, let’s first examine the various forms and symptoms of anxiety. Anxiety is a feeling of unease, worry, or fear. It is a normal emotion that everyone experiences at some point in their lives.

However, for some individuals, anxiety can become excessive and debilitating, interfering with daily functioning and causing distress. Symptoms of anxiety can include:


Restlessness, or feeling keyed up or on edge, is a common symptom of anxiety. This can manifest as difficulty sitting still or relaxing, restlessness in the legs, or an inability to focus and concentrate. In severe cases, this restlessness may even lead to pacing or fidgeting behavior.

It is important to note that restlessness can also be a symptom of other disorders, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). However, in the context of anxiety, it is typically accompanied by other symptoms such as excessive worry and fear.

Treatment for anxiety-related restlessness often involves a combination of therapy and medication. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) can help individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns that contribute to their restlessness. Medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and benzodiazepines can also help alleviate symptoms of restlessness and improve overall functioning.

Excessive Worrying

Excessive worrying is a common symptom of anxiety. It is characterized by constantly dwelling on negative or worrisome thoughts and the inability to control or stop these thoughts.

This excessive worrying can often lead to restlessness, irritability, trouble concentrating, and sleep disturbances. It can also lead to physical symptoms such as muscle tension and headaches. It is important to seek professional help if excessive worrying is interfering with daily functioning or causing significant distress.

Inability to Concentrate

Another common symptom of anxiety is the inability to concentrate. This can manifest as difficulty focusing on tasks, excessive distractibility, or a general sense of mental fog. These symptoms can significantly impact daily functioning and productivity.

It is believed that this symptom occurs due to the body’s fight or flight response. When a person experiences anxiety, their body releases stress hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol. These hormones can cause physical changes such as rapid heart rate and increased muscle tension, but they also affect cognitive processes like attention and concentration.

Additionally, anxiety often causes excessive rumination and worrying thoughts, which can further interfere with the ability to focus on tasks at hand.

Treatment for anxiety-related concentration difficulties typically involves a combination of medication and therapy approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy and mindfulness techniques. Seeking treatment can greatly improve one’s ability to concentrate and function in daily life.

Racing Thoughts

Racing thoughts, also known as “rumination,” is a common symptom of anxiety in which a person experiences persistent and uncontrollable thoughts or mental images. These thoughts often revolve around a specific theme or problem and can lead to excessive worry and distress.

Some potential causes of racing thoughts may include excessive stress, certain medications or substances, and certain medical conditions. In some cases, racing thoughts may also be a symptom of an underlying mental health disorder such as obsessive-compulsive disorder or bipolar disorder.

Treatment for racing thoughts often involves therapy, medication, and self-help strategies. Therapy can help individuals identify and challenge their negative thought patterns and develop coping skills to manage symptoms. Medication, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), may also be helpful in reducing racing thoughts. Additionally, practicing relaxation techniques and engaging in regular exercise can help decrease stress levels and improve overall well-being.

Rapid Heart Rate

Rapid heart rate, or tachycardia, is a common physical symptom of anxiety. This occurs because the body goes into “fight or flight” mode, releasing stress hormones such as adrenaline which increase heart rate and blood pressure.

This response is meant to prepare the body for physical action, but in cases of anxiety it is triggered without any real physical threat. In severe cases, rapid heart rate can lead to chest pain or shortness of breath. It can also be a contributing factor in other health problems such as cardiovascular disease.

Treating the underlying anxiety can help to alleviate symptoms of rapid heart rate, along with relaxation techniques and regular exercise. It is important to speak with a medical professional if symptoms persist or worsen.


Sweating is a common physical symptom of anxiety. This is because, during moments of anxiety, the body’s fight or flight response is activated. This causes the body to release stress hormones, including adrenaline, which can lead to an increase in heart rate and sweating.

In some cases, excessive sweating may be a sign of a medical condition known as hyperhidrosis, which requires treatment from a medical professional. It is important to note that not all sweating is necessarily a symptom of anxiety; it could also be caused by physical exertion or being in a warm environment.

Intense Fear

Intense fear is a common symptom of anxiety and can manifest in various ways, including fear of specific situations or objects, fear of losing control, or a general feeling of fear or dread. This fear can lead to avoidance behaviors and further exacerbate anxiety.

It is important to seek professional help in managing intense fear and addressing the root cause of the anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral therapy and medication may be helpful in reducing intense fear and managing symptoms of anxiety.

Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, or feeling like you can’t catch your breath, is a common symptom of anxiety. This is because when we experience anxiety, our body enters a state of “fight or flight,” during which our breathing becomes quicker and shallower. This can also lead to hyperventilation, further contributing to the feeling of not being able to breathe properly.

In severe cases, shortness of breath can even be a symptom of panic attacks. During a panic attack, the body experiences an intense surge of fear and stress hormones, leading to rapid and shallow breathing. This can cause the individual to feel like they are suffocating or not getting enough air.

It is important to note that shortness of breath can also be a symptom of other medical conditions, such as asthma or heart problems. It is always important to consult with a doctor if you are experiencing persistent or severe shortness of breath.


Dizziness is a symptom of anxiety that can be caused by hyperventilation, which occurs when a person breathes too quickly and shallowly. This can lead to a decrease in carbon dioxide levels in the blood, causing symptoms such as dizziness, lightheadedness, and tingling in the hands and feet. In severe cases, it can also cause fainting. It is important to address anxiety and work on breathing techniques to alleviate these symptoms.

Muscle Tension

One symptom of anxiety is muscle tension. This can manifest as clenched jaws, tightness in the shoulders or neck, and general discomfort or pain in the muscles. This tension can also lead to headaches, migraines, and TMJ disorders.

This symptom occurs because when a person is experiencing anxiety, their body goes into “fight or flight” mode and releases stress hormones such as adrenaline. These hormones cause the muscles to tighten and prepare for potential danger. However, if the threat is not physical and there is no outlet for this built-up tension, it can remain in the muscles causing discomfort and pain.

Treating muscle tension from anxiety may involve relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, mindfulness practices, massage therapy, and regular exercise to release built-up tension in the muscles. Medications such as muscle relaxants may also be prescribed by a doctor to alleviate symptoms.


Headaches are a common symptom of anxiety, as increased muscle tension and stress can cause the muscles in the head and neck to tighten and lead to discomfort or pain. Additionally, changes in brain chemistry that occur during periods of anxiety can also contribute to headaches. The severity and frequency of headaches may vary among individuals, but managing stress and finding healthy coping mechanisms can help reduce the occurrence of headaches related to anxiety.


Irritability is a common symptom of anxiety, and can manifest as feeling easily annoyed or frustrated, having a short temper, and/or snapping at others. These reactions may be disproportionate to the situation at hand and can cause strain in relationships and daily functioning.

It is important to note that irritability is not always solely a result of anxiety, as it can also stem from other factors such as stress, lack of sleep, or physical illness. However, for individuals with anxiety disorders, chronic fear and worry can often lead to heightened sensitivity and a decreased tolerance for stress.

Treatment for anxiety-related irritability typically involves addressing the underlying anxiety through therapy and medication, as well as implementing coping strategies to manage triggers and improve emotional regulation skills. It is also important to prioritize self-care practices such as exercise, relaxation techniques, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The Science Behind How Lavender Helps to Calm and Relax People

The scent of lavender has long been associated with relaxation and calmness. Scientific studies have shown that lavender oil inhalation can decrease heart rate and blood pressure, leading to a state of relaxation.

Additionally, lavender has been found to activate the neurotransmitter GABA in the brain, which helps to reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.

In addition to its relaxing effects on the body, lavender has also been found to have a soothing effect on the mind. In one study, participants who inhaled lavender essential oil before performing a stressful task exhibited lower levels of anxiety and improved mood compared to those who did not inhale the oil.

The calming effects of lavender may also extend to improving sleep quality. In a study on college students with sleep disorders, those who used lavender essential oil before bed had significantly better sleep quality than those in the control group.

Overall, research supports the use of lavender for promoting relaxation and reducing stress and anxiety.

How Lavender Can Help to Alleviate Some of the Symptoms of Anxiety

One study found that inhaling lavender essential oils decreased anxiety in participants before a medical procedure. Another study found that taking 120 mg of lavender oil capsules daily significantly improved symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder compared to a placebo.

In addition to its anxiolytic effects, lavender may also aid in improving sleep quality. One study found that taking 80 mg of lavender essential oil before bed improved sleep quality and morning alertness in participants with insomnia.

It is important to note that more research is needed on the effectiveness and safety of using lavender for anxiety and insomnia. Additionally, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare provider before trying it as a treatment option.

Tips for Incorporating Lavender into Your Routine to Alleviate Symptoms of Anxiety

Use Lavender for Aromatherapy

One tip for incorporating lavender into your routine to alleviate symptoms of anxiety is to try using it for aromatherapy. Lavender aromatherapy positively affects mood by inhaling the scent of essential oils, like lavender, to promote relaxation and well-being. Lavender is also known for its pleasant fragrance, which has been linked to alterations in the autonomic nervous system.

To use lavender for aromatherapy, you can purchase a bottle of lavender essential oil and add a few drops to a diffuser or hot bath water. You can also try lavender oil aromatherapy massage by mixing a few drops with a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut oil, and massaging it onto your skin.

Inhaling the scent of lavender has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety in both animal and human studies. It may also improve sleep quality and alleviate headaches.

However, it is important to note that not all essential oils are safe to use on the skin or inhale, so be sure to thoroughly research any potential risks before using them. Additionally, always dilute lavender essential oils with a carrier oil before applying them topically, as they can cause irritation or allergic reactions when used undiluted on the skin.

Overall, incorporating lavender aromatherapy into your routine may be a simple and effective way to ease symptoms of anxiety and promote relaxation.

Place Dried Lavender in Pillows to Promote Relaxation and Better Sleep

Another tip for incorporating lavender into your routine to alleviate symptoms of anxiety is placing dried lavender in your pillows. To use this tip, simply place a small amount of dried lavender flowers in a sachet or cotton pouch and place it in your pillow before bedtime. As you lay down to sleep, the scent of the lavender will be released and aid in promoting relaxation and better sleep.

It may also be helpful to keep the pouch near your bed so that you can easily access it throughout the night if needed. This simple addition to your bedtime routine can have a positive impact on reducing symptoms of anxiety.

Add Lavender Essential Oil to Your Bathtub for a Relaxing Soak

Begin by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to your bathtub before filling it with water. This oil has a calming and soothing scent, which can help alleviate symptoms of anxiety. The lavender scent will be released into the air by the steam from the hot water, resulting in a tranquil and relaxing atmosphere. You may also choose to add some lavender buds or dried flowers to the bath for added relaxation and aromatherapy benefits.

The aroma of lavender has been shown to have stress-relieving and anxiety-reducing properties, making for a relaxing and peaceful bath experience. Adding Epsom salts or other bath salts can enhance the relaxation effects even further by relieving muscle tension. Before getting in the tub, give the water a gentle stir to distribute the oils and herbs throughout the bath.

Soak in the tub for at least 15-20 minutes, allowing the lavender scent and oils to work their magic on your mind and body. Make sure to thoroughly rinse off after your bath and avoid using any products with strong scents that may counteract the calming effects of the lavender.

Diffuse Lavender Oil in Your Home or Office to Create a Calming Environment

Diffusing lavender essential oil at your home or workplace is a terrific way to include it in your routine to reduce the effects of anxiety. Diffusing essential oils allows the scent to be dispersed throughout a larger area, creating a calming atmosphere for those in the space.

In order to diffuse lavender oil, you will need an essential oil diffuser and pure lavender essential oil. Place a few drops of the lavender essential oil into the diffuser and turn it on. The diffuser will then release the scent of the lavender oil into the air, creating a calming atmosphere.

Mix Lavender Oil with Water in a Spray Bottle and Spritz onto Sheets Before Bedtime

The act of spritzing your sheets with this lavender mixture can serve as a bedtime ritual, helping signal to your brain that it is time for rest and reducing racing thoughts. It is important to note that you should always dilute essential oils with a carrier substance, such as water or carrier oil, before applying directly onto the skin or onto fabrics.

And, as with any new product or routine, it is always advisable to patch test on a small area first and discontinue use if any irritation occurs.

Make a Lavender-Infused Body Lotion or Massage Oil to Use Before Bed

To make a lavender-infused body lotion, begin by purchasing or making a base lotion or massage oil. Infuse the lotion or oil with lavender by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil, or by steeping dried lavender flowers in the base for several days. You can then use the lavender-infused lotion or oil before bed as part of your nighttime routine to relax and ease any symptoms of anxiety. Additionally, you can also apply the lavender-infused product to pulse points throughout the day as needed for added relaxation benefits. Lavender oil preparation is effective in treating subsyndromal anxiety disorder.

Another way to go about making a lavender-infused body lotion is to first infuse the lavender into a carrier oil like jojoba or almond oil. This can be done by placing dried lavender flowers in a jar and covering them with the chosen carrier oil. Allow this mixture to sit for 2-3 weeks, shaking it daily.

Once the desired strength is achieved, strain out the lavender flowers and mix the infused oil with your favorite unscented lotion or massage oil. It can then be used before bed as a relaxing massage or applied to pulse points for ongoing relief from anxiety symptoms throughout the day.

Drink Lavender Tea Before Bedtime to Help You Relax and Fall Asleep Easier

Drinking a cup of lavender tea before bedtime is a great way to include lavender into your daily routine to alleviate symptoms of anxiety. The calming aroma and relaxing effects of lavender can help ease the mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep.

To prepare the tea, steep one teaspoon of dried lavender buds in hot water for 5-10 minutes. Alternatively, you can also use a pre-made lavender tea bag. Drink the tea about an hour before bedtime to give it time to take effect before hitting the sheets.

In addition to helping with relaxation and sleep, drinking lavender tea may also help reduce stress and improve mood. As always, consult with your healthcare provider before adding any new herbal remedy to your routine.

Carry a Lavender Sachet with You for On-The-Go Relaxation

One tip for incorporating lavender into your routine to alleviate symptoms of anxiety is carrying a lavender sachet with you for on-the-go relaxation.

To make your own lavender sachet, fill a small fabric pouch with dried lavender buds. You can also add other relaxing herbs such as chamomile or jasmine. Keep the sachet in your purse or pocket and inhale the aroma whenever you feel anxious or overwhelmed. When choosing a lavender sachet, make sure to select one filled with high quality, dried lavender buds.

Another option is to apply a few drops of lavender essential oil onto a cloth or tissue and carry it with you to sniff as needed.

Additionally, physically holding or rubbing the sachet can serve as a sensory tool for grounding and calming frayed nerves.

Using a lavender sachet in this way can serve as a convenient and portable tool to incorporate into your daily routine for managing anxiety.

Use Lavender as a Topical Treatment

One way to incorporate lavender into your routine for anxiety relief is through topical application. This can be done by adding a few drops of lavender essential oil to a carrier oil, such as jojoba or coconut, and massaging it onto the shoulders, neck, and temples. The scent of lavender has been shown to have soothing effects on the nervous system, while the massage can help release physical tension in the body.

It’s important to keep in mind that essential oils are highly concentrated and should always be diluted before topical use. A topical application of lavender and essential oils like tea tree oils can cause gynecomastia in young boys. Be sure to do a patch test on a small area of skin before applying any new product or blend to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions.

Ingest Lavender Orally

Another way to incorporate lavender into your routine to alleviate symptoms of anxiety is to ingest it orally. This can be done by consuming lavender capsules, adding dried lavender flowers to tea, or using culinary grade lavender in cooking and baking.

However, it is important to note that not all forms of lavender are safe for ingestion and it is critical to use high quality, pure essential oils labeled as appropriate for internal use. Lavender essential oil should never be taken orally in its pure form, as it can be toxic.

Always dilute the oil with a carrier oil, such as coconut or olive oil, before consumption. Additionally, consult with a healthcare professional before using lavender in this manner, as it may interact with certain medications and could have adverse effects for those with low blood pressure or epilepsy.

In terms of dosage, the general recommendation for ingestible lavender essential oil is 1-2 drops once or twice daily. For dried lavender flowers, 1-2 teaspoons can be added to hot water for tea up to three times daily.

One study found that after taking lavender orally for seven days, participants reported significantly lower levels of anxiety compared to those who took a placebo. In addition to potentially reducing symptoms of anxiety, ingesting lavender may also have calming effects on the digestive system and promote restful sleep.

Just remember to always use caution and consult with a healthcare professional before trying this method.

Using Lavender in Conjunction with Other Treatments

It is important to note that lavender should not be used as a replacement but as a supplement for prescribed medication or therapy for anxiety.

Medication as a Treatment for Anxiety

Medication, specifically certain types of antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications, can be an effective treatment for anxiety disorders. These medications work by altering the levels of certain chemicals in the brain that are responsible for regulating mood and emotions.

However, it is important to note that medication alone is not a sufficient treatment for anxiety disorders. Medication should be used in combination with therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, to address the underlying causes of anxiety and develop coping mechanisms. Additionally, it may take some time to find the right medication and dosage for an individual, and side effects may occur.

It is also important to note that medication should not be seen as a long-term solution for anxiety. While it can provide relief from symptoms in the short term, addressing the root causes of anxiety through therapy is necessary for long-term management and prevention of relapse.

Overall, while medication can be a helpful component of treating anxiety disorders, it should not be relied upon as the sole form of treatment. It should be used in conjunction with therapy to address both immediate symptoms and underlying causes of anxiety.

Psychotherapy as a Treatment for Anxiety

Psychotherapy, also known as talk therapy, is a form of treatment that involves talking with a trained therapist in a safe and confidential setting. This type of therapy can be used to treat anxiety disorders by helping individuals identify and challenge negative thoughts and feelings, learn coping skills, and change behaviors that contribute to anxiety.

Some common forms of psychotherapy for anxiety include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavior therapy (DBT), and exposure therapy. CBT focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to anxiety. DBT combines elements of CBT with mindfulness techniques to help individuals regulate their emotions. Exposure therapy gradually exposes individuals to the situations or objects they fear in order to reduce anxiety responses.

In addition to individual therapy sessions, group therapy may also be beneficial for those with anxiety disorders as it allows individuals to connect with others who may be experiencing similar challenges and share strategies for managing symptoms. Family therapy can also aid in addressing relationship problems or family dynamics that may be contributing to or exacerbated by anxiety.

It is important to note that while psychotherapy can be an effective treatment for anxiety, results may vary depending on the individual’s level of engagement and commitment to the therapeutic process. It is recommended that individuals work closely with their therapist in order to determine the best approach for their unique needs and circumstances.

The Potential Side Effects of Using Lavender for Anxiety Relief

Allergic Reactions

One potential side effect of using lavender for anxiety relief is allergic reactions. These reactions can range from mild skin irritation to severe difficulty breathing. Individuals with allergies to plants in the Lamiaceae family, such as mint and basil, may also be allergic to lavender. You should test a small amount of the lavender oil on the skin before using it on larger areas of the body.

Symptoms of an allergic reaction may include itching, rash, redness, swelling, and shortness of breath. If experiencing any symptoms of an allergic reaction, it is important to stop using lavender and seek medical attention immediately. It is also important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating lavender into your anxiety relief regimen to ensure that it does not worsen any existing allergies or medical conditions.

Drowsiness or Sedation

Another potential side effect of using lavender for anxiety relief is drowsiness or sedation. This is because lavender has been shown to have calming, sedative effects on the central nervous system. While this can be beneficial for those experiencing anxiety, it can lead to excessive drowsiness or a feeling of being overly sedated. It can also cause dizziness and impaired motor function.

It is important to use caution when operating heavy machinery or driving after using lavender for anxiety relief. It is also important to use lavender cautiously and listen to your own body’s reactions when using it for anxiety relief. If drowsiness or sedation becomes excessive or problematic, consider reducing the amount of lavender used or speaking with a healthcare provider about alternative options for managing anxiety.

It is crucial to note that there is limited scientific research on the effectiveness and safety of using lavender for anxiety relief. It should not be used as a substitute for counseling or prescribed medication by a healthcare professional.

Additionally, if pregnant or breastfeeding, it is recommended to avoid using lavender as a form of anxiety relief due to lack of research on its effects in these populations. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before using any alternative forms of treatment for anxiety.


Headaches may occur as a side effect of using lavender oil for anxiety relief due to the relaxing properties of the oil. As the muscles in the head and neck relax, tension and inflammation can increase, leading to headaches. It is important to discuss any potential side effects with a healthcare professional before using lavender oil for anxiety relief.

Alternatives to using lavender oil, such as cognitive behavioral therapy or prescription medication, may be recommended by a healthcare provider. Additionally, properly diluting the oil and using it sparingly may help prevent headaches as a side effect. If headaches do occur, over-the-counter pain medication and staying hydrated can help alleviate symptoms.

Increased Appetite

Increased appetite is a common side effect of using lavender oil for anxiety relief. This is because lavender has sedative effects, causing individuals to feel relaxed and possibly leading to overeating. It is important to monitor food intake while using lavender oil for anxiety relief, as overeating can lead to weight gain and other negative health effects.

It is also important to note that lavender may interact with certain medications, so it is important to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating lavender oil into your anxiety management routine.

Causes of Anxiety Disorders

While lavender might help some people with their anxieties, others might need a bit more help. The causes of an anxiety disorder usually factor into how it should be treated.

Genetic or Biological Factors

Genetic or biological factors can play a significant role in the development of anxiety disorders. Research suggests that anxiety disorders can run in families, and individuals may inherit a predisposition for developing these mental health conditions.

Some specific genes have been identified as possibly contributing to the development of anxiety disorders, but it is important to note that no single gene can cause a person to develop an anxiety disorder. Rather, the interaction of multiple genes, along with environmental and psychological factors, likely influence the development of these conditions.

In addition to genetic factors, imbalances in certain brain chemicals, such as serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), have also been linked to the development of anxiety disorders. Dysregulation of these chemicals can affect communication between brain cells and lead to symptoms of anxiety. Stressful life events or traumatic experiences can also contribute to changes in brain chemistry and lead to the development of anxiety disorders.

It is important to remember that genetics and biology do not determine one’s destiny; rather, they can increase a person’s vulnerability to developing an anxiety disorder. Treatment for anxiety disorders should always incorporate a multifaceted approach that addresses both biological and psychological factors.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors, such as traumatic events or a history of abuse, can play a significant role in the development of anxiety disorders. Traumatic events, such as natural disasters, accidents, or acts of violence, can lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which is characterized by persistent fear and anxiety.

A history of physical or sexual abuse can also increase the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder, as individuals may constantly feel threatened or on guard in certain situations.

It is important to note that while environmental factors may increase the likelihood of developing an anxiety disorder, they do not necessarily cause it. Additionally, not everyone who experiences a traumatic event or has a history of abuse will develop an anxiety disorder.

Learned Behavior or Thought Patterns

One potential cause of anxiety disorders is learned behavior or thought patterns. This can occur through negative experiences or messages repeatedly reinforced by others, leading an individual to adopt anxious behaviors and thoughts.

For example, a child who constantly hears negative criticism or messaging about their abilities may internalize these messages and begin to believe they are not capable or worthy, leading them to feel anxious in certain situations. Additionally, experiencing traumatic events can also lead an individual to develop anxious thought patterns and behaviors as a means of coping with fear and danger.

Certain Medical Conditions or Substance Use

Certain medical conditions or substance use can lead to the development of anxiety disorders. For example, individuals with thyroid issues or chronic pain may experience increased levels of anxiety and depression due to the physical discomfort and changes in hormone levels associated with their condition.

Similarly, certain medications such as those used to treat high blood pressure or asthma can also contribute to feelings of anxiety. Additionally, substance use can also play a role in the development of anxiety disorders.

Drugs such as cocaine and amphetamines can cause an increase in restless and anxious thoughts and behaviors, while alcohol and benzodiazepines (a class of sedative medication) can also worsen symptoms of anxiety. It is important to note that substances can both cause and temporarily relieve anxiety symptoms, leading to a cycle of dependence and exacerbation of anxiety disorders.

Overall, it is crucial for individuals with medical conditions or a history of substance use to receive comprehensive treatment for their anxiety disorder that addresses any underlying contributing factors.

Poor Coping Mechanisms for Dealing with Stress

Poor coping mechanisms for dealing with stress, such as avoidance and self-medicating with drugs or alcohol, can lead to the development of anxiety disorders. When faced with stressful situations, rather than facing them head-on and finding healthy ways to cope, individuals may turn to avoidance as a means of temporarily relieving their stress. However, avoidance only serves to perpetuate the cycle of stress and can eventually lead to the manifestation of anxiety symptoms.

It is important for individuals to identify and address their poor coping mechanisms in order to effectively manage stress and reduce the risk of developing an anxiety disorder. Seeking support from a therapist or joining a support group can aid in developing healthier coping skills and improving overall mental well-being.


Based on current studies and research, it appears that lavender does have a positive effect on reducing anxiety symptoms. However, more research is needed to determine the long-term effects and the best methods of using lavender for anxiety treatment.

It may be most effective when used in conjunction with traditional anxiety treatments, such as therapy and medication. Overall, lavender shows promise as a natural remedy for anxiety.

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