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Benefits of Yoga Nidra
by BetterSleep
Dec 2 2022 • 9 min read
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Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the stress of everyday life? If so, you should try Yoga Nidra, a form of yoga that helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Yoga Nidra is a very gentle form of yoga that anyone can practice, regardless of age or fitness level.

In this article, we’ll discuss the benefits of Yoga Nidra and how it can help you achieve a more relaxed state of mind.

What Is Yoga Nidra and What Are Its Benefits

Yoga Nidra is a state of consciousness between waking and sleeping. It is a conscious relaxation technique that allows the body to restore and heal itself. Yoga Nidra has been shown to be beneficial for conditions such as stress, anxiety, insomnia, pain, and depression.

Yoga Nidra trains the body and mind for this meditative state by keeping the mind focused on different parts of the body. This soothes the nervous system and allows the body to relax and release tension. The practice also helps to quiet the mind and create a state of inner peace.

Yoga Nidra works with the autonomic nervous system to control bodily functions like heartbeats and blood flow that happen without conscious effort.

Yoga Nidra offers many amazing benefits, some of which are:

It Reduces Constant Stress and Anxiety

One of the benefits of Yoga Nidra is that it helps to release stress, promoting deeper relaxation and restful sleep. During a session of Yoga Nidra, you are guided through a series of poses and visualization exercises that help you to relax both your body and mind.

This type of deep relaxation can help to reduce stress levels and promote feelings of calm and peace. In addition, Yoga Nidra may also help to improve sleep quality and reduce symptoms of anxiety disorders.

It Can Help Improve Sleep Quality

The practice of meditation and Yoga Nidra can help improve sleep quality. It is a form of deep relaxation that helps to calm the mind and body, promoting better sleep. With regular practice, you may be able to get a better night’s sleep and feel more rested and refreshed.

It Can Help Improve Mental Clarity and Focus

The benefits of Yoga Nidra are vast and varied. One of the most notable benefits is an improvement in mental clarity and focus.

When the mind is calm and focused, it is able to process information more clearly and effectively. This can lead to a greater understanding of concepts, improved decision-making, and an increased ability to stay on task.

In addition, Yoga Nidra can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which can also interfere with cognitive function. By relaxing the body and calming the mind, Yoga Nidra can help you to achieve a clear state of mind that is conducive to learning and productivity.

It Can Improve Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, and Respiratory Rate

Another benefit of Yoga Nidra is that it can help to improve blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

In one study, participants with high blood pressure who took part in a Yoga Nidra class saw a significant reduction in their blood pressure levels. Their systolic blood pressure (the top number) decreased by an average of 12 points, and their diastolic blood pressure (the bottom number) decreased by an average of 8 points.

Similarly, research has shown that Yoga Nidra can help to lower heart rate and respiratory rate. In one study, heart rate decreased by an average of 5 beats per minute following a Yoga Nidra session, and the respiratory rate decreased by an average of 4 breaths per minute.

These findings suggest that Yoga Nidra may be a useful tool for improving blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate.

It Can Help Reduce Cravings for Unhealthy Foods

There is a growing body of anecdotal evidence and scientific research that suggests Yoga Nidra can help reduce cravings for unhealthy foods. This is likely due to the fact that Yoga Nidra helps to improve overall well-being and reduces stress levels.

When we are stressed, we often turn to unhealthy foods as a form of self-care or comfort. Yoga Nidra can help break this pattern by providing an alternate means of relaxation and self-care.

Additionally, Yoga Nidra helps to create a sense of awareness and mindfulness around eating, which can help you to make healthier choices when it comes to what you eat.

It Can Help Improve Overall Mood

According to the National Sleep Foundation, Yoga Nidra has tremendous potential to improve overall mood. The practice is known to help reduce stress and anxiety, promote feelings of well-being, and induce a deep state of relaxation.

Additionally,research has shown that regular Yoga Nidra practice can help improve sleep quality and duration. All of these factors can work together to improve overall mood and well-being.

How to Do Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a Sanskrit word that is usually translated as “yogic sleep.” This practice is a form of deep relaxation that is said to be more effective than sleep in restoring the body and mind. There are many different ways to do Yoga Nidra, but the basic steps are:

  • Lie down in a corpse pose or a comfortable position on a yoga mat. Make sure your spine is straight, and your head, neck, and shoulders are relaxed. This is one of the easiest yoga practices, and it appeals to those who might be put off by challenging yoga postures or conventional seated meditation.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out.
  • Now, focus on your breath and let go of all thoughts and distractions. Inhale deeply and exhale completely. As you do this, let go of any tension or stress you’re feeling.
  • Once you’re relaxed, begin to focus on different parts of your body, one at a time. Start with your feet and work your way up to your head. Awareness of each part should be gentle and passive. Don’t try to force anything; simply let the thoughts and sensations come and go as they please.
  • When you’ve finished focusing on all parts of your body, imagine yourself in a beautiful, peaceful place. It could be a beach, a garden, or somewhere else that brings you peace and relaxation.
  • Stay in this state for as long as you like and enjoy the tranquillity and calmness of the space.
  • When you’re ready, carefully awaken yourself and gradually return to normal consciousness. You can do this by slowly beginning to wiggle your fingers and toes. Then, very slowly, open your eyes and sit up.

The Different Stages of Yoga Nidra

There are three stages of Yoga Nidra. They are:


The relaxation stage is the first stage of Yoga Nidra. In this stage, you will focus on relaxing your body and mind. This can be done by focusing on your breath and letting go of any stress or tension you may feel. You may also want to focus on different parts of your body, releasing any tension you may feel in those areas.

The benefits of the relaxation stage of Yoga Nidra include a decrease in stress and anxiety levels, a decrease in heart rate, and a decrease in blood pressure.

Additionally, the relaxation stage can help to improve sleep quality and can reduce the severity of pain.


The second stage of Yoga Nidra is known as the visualization stage. It involves picturing oneself in a relaxing and peaceful setting. This could be a beach, garden, or another natural setting. Alternatively, it could be a place that is special to the individual, such as their childhood home.

In this stage, it is also important to focus on the breath and allow oneself to relax completely.

The benefits of the visualization stage of Yoga Nidra are vast. When done correctly, this stage can help you to focus your thoughts and energy on a specific goal or outcome.

It can also help you to connect with your innermost being and to experience profound relaxation and peace. Additionally, visualization can be used to promote healing both physically and emotionally.


The third stage of Yoga Nidra is known as the manifestation stage. This is where the practitioner begins to see and feel the effects of the practice.

During this stage, the mind becomes quiet and clear, and the body begins to relax. The practitioner may also experience deep states of relaxation and peace.

The benefits of the manifestation stage of Yoga Nidra include:

Improved Self-Awareness

In the manifestation stage of Yoga Nidra, we focus on improving our self-awareness. This is important because it allows us to become more aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

By understanding ourselves better, we can work to change the aspects of ourselves that we don’t like or that are causing us problems. Additionally, improved self-awareness can help us to better understand and relate to others.

Heightened Creativity

Heightened creativity is one of the benefits of the manifestation stage of Yoga Nidra. In this stage, you focus on your goals and visualize yourself achieving them. This focus and visualization can help you to achieve your goals in a more creative and efficient way.

Better Decision Making

The benefits of the manifestation stage of Yoga Nidra include improved decision making skills. This is because during this stage, you connect with your intuition and inner guidance, which helps you to make better decisions based on what is truly best for you.

Additionally, the manifestation stage helps you to create a clear vision for what you want to manifest in your life, which makes it easier to achieve your goals.

Increased Efficiency and Productivity

When the mind is deeply relaxed and focused, it is able to manifest our intentions more quickly and effectively. We can create a clear picture in our minds of what we want to achieve, and then release any doubts or fears that may be holding us back.

This leads to a sense of confidence and certainty that allows us to take action with conviction. We can then move through life with greater clarity and purpose, knowing that we are aligned with our deepest desires.

More Efficient Communication

Another benefit of the manifestation stage of Yoga Nidra is more efficient communication. This occurs because the mind is clear and settled, making it easier to focus and express yourself clearly.

The manifesting process also creates a stronger connection between your conscious and subconscious mind, which can help you to understand your own thoughts and feelings better. Additionally, this process can help to increase your creativity and intuition.

The Best Time to Do Yoga Nidra

There is no one “right” time to do Yoga Nidra, as it can be adapted to fit any time of day or evening. However, the best time to do Yoga Nidra may be in the morning, as it can help to set the tone for your day and create a sense of peace and calm.

Some people also find that doing Yoga Nidra at night helps them to relax and fall asleep more easily.

Who Can Benefit from Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra can benefit anyone who is looking for a way to relax and de-stress. It can also help to improve sleep quality and may offer some relief from anxiety and depression.

Additionally, Yoga Nidra may be beneficial for pregnant women and new mothers, as it can help to relieve tension and stress.


If you are looking for a way to get a better night’s sleep, try Yoga Nidra. Not only is this form of yoga relaxing and calming, but it has also been shown to be helpful in improving sleep quality.

And if you struggle with insomnia or other sleep disorders, Yoga Nidra may be just what the doctor ordered. You can find plenty of resources online that will help you get started with Yoga Nidra, including theBetterSleep app.

With its many guided exercises and soothing sounds, the BetterSleep app can help you drift off to a peaceful slumber every night.

FAQs about Yoga Nidra

What Should I Expect During a Yoga Nidra Class?

During typical Yoga Nidra classes, you will be asked to lie down on your back and will be guided through a series of relaxation exercises.

You may also be asked to repeat certain mantras or listen to music specifically designed for Yoga Nidra meditation.

Who Can Practice Yoga Nidra?

Anyone can practice Yoga Nidra, regardless of age or experience level. However, pregnant women or those suffering from any medical conditions should consult with their doctor before participating in a Yoga Nidra class.

Can I Practice Yoga Nidra at Home?

Yes, you can definitely practice Yoga Nidra at home! There are many guided meditation audio recordings available online that can help you to achieve deep relaxation and peace of mind.

How Often Should I Practice Yoga Nidra?

There is no set frequency for practicing Yoga Nidra – it all depends on your individual needs and goals.

However, it is generally recommended to try to practice Yoga Nidra once or twice a week for the best results.

Is There a Specific Pose or Position I Should Be in During Yoga Nidra?

No – you can simply lie down on your back and allow yourself to relax into the exercises provided by your instructor.

However, some people find it helpful to place one hand on their heart and the other hand on their belly button to deepen the relaxation experience.

Can I Listen to Music or Use a Mantra During Yoga Nidra?

Yes, many people find it helpful to listen to calming music or recite mantras during Yoga Nidra meditation sessions. Just be sure not to get too distracted by the music or words and lose focus on the task at hand!

Will I Fall Asleep During Yoga Nidra?

No – although it is natural for the body to enter into a deep state of relaxation during Yoga Nidra, most people do not actually fall asleep.

If you find yourself nodding off, simply adjust your posture or focus more intensely on the exercises provided by your instructor.

Can Children Practice Yoga Nidra?

Yes! Children can benefit greatly from practicing Yoga Nidra as it helps them learn how to relax and focus their minds.

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